Me, myself and the rest of me.

I currently inhabit a 41 year old male form which i havent looked after that well, I enjoy a number of pastimes, Cushions Sleeping, being awake, wondering, wandering, pondering, Montage of folk asking philosophical questions.reading - Douglas Adams Obviously as well as Orwell, Huxley, Thomas Mann, Kerouc, Dovstoyesky,Fyodor Dostoevsky Joyce, Asimov, Brooks, Gemmil, Poe, Lovecraft, AA milne. short storywriting, poetry, Fav films Harvey,A white rabbit tank girl, Plan nine, all the Troma stuff! lots of scifi - BSG, Star Trek well anything with a space ship in really! Diagram showing binary stars walking, cycling, history, mythology, King Arthur, folklore, King Arthur's Round Table Lazy gardening, environmental issues, politics, football- Walsall Fc Supporter,A football with a park super-imposed on it people, beer, food! AND music Lou Reed, Velvet underground, Iggy Pop, Ramones, punk, folk.

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