Dusanka,that's me!!!
WELLCOME,STAY AND ENJOY!!!!My name is Dushanka.I am born decembar 14th 1981. in Novi Sad,Serbia,but in that time it was Yugoslavia.I'm professional photographer and ia am studing journalizam.I want to travel all around the world.My english is not very god but my dictionary and me gives our best.I want to visit England,and i hope that i shall do that someday.I like:
-read(specialy books of Douglas Adams)
-to travel
-drink beer
-Novi Sad
-Taking of photographs
-Monty Python
-do nothing
-make people laugh
I am in Pythonist society A1046701

If you need Sun go to A928064 and Sun will apeare for you!!!
If you want to know useful thing about Novi Sad go to A2991440 (I made it myself)
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Novi Sad | Nov 6, 2007 |
Your official (if belated!) h2g2 welcome | Jan 13, 2005 |
Happy Birthday Dusanka!! | Dec 14, 2004 |
Hello at BBCi | Nov 5, 2004 |
Finnaly me | Sep 2, 2004 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
In which Ivan languishes on a sofa | No Posting | Jan 17, 2012 |
Losing patience | No Posting | Nov 28, 2011 |
One of our bogbrushes is missing | No Posting | Nov 27, 2011 |
Climbing the walls | No Posting | Nov 26, 2011 |
Is it just me, or is it warm in here? | No Posting | Nov 25, 2011 |
Dusanka...I'll be back(once)
Researcher U868099
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."