This is the Message Centre for Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995


Post 81

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

Whatever. Gaunt dicks on Abbaddon.


Post 82

Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995

You wanna fight?!?

Abaddon kills Gaunt 1,000,000 times per second!


Post 83

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

Wrath of the Emperor strike down His foes!

I think that settles this one.


Post 84

Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995

Oh no it doesn't, Chaos will always be there!


Post 85

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

And so will the brave men and women of the Imperial Guard (cue inspirational music)


Post 86

Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995

No they won't.


Post 87

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

I am working on a new set of rules for a WW2 tank game, probably using flames of war miniatures. It will have a similar method of play to traditional Epic (you can find the rules online, but not army lists) and Aeronautica Imperialis. I am open to suggestions for special rules to include.

For models see:

(look at the top of the page for links to armies etc.)


Post 88

Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995

Oh Jesus...


Post 89

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.


Armoured Supremacy worked out okay, and now I'm just trying my hand at something a little more advanced.


Post 90

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

In soviet russia, game plays YOU.


Post 91

Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995

Veto this ssmiley - bleep!


Post 92

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

I am this (makes gesture with hand that leaves a small amount of space between his thumb and forefinger) close to finishing the game. It is called Fields of Glory and all I need to do now is write the British, American, Soviet, and Italian army lists (already done Germany). Yes, I will include the TOG 2 and I have already put in the Maus. All the super-heavy tanks and prototypes will go in. Watch my space in the coming days for a copy to appear for all to see, copy, and do as they please with.


Post 93

Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995

On Dawn of War Soulstorm, what is the Space Marines flyer?


Post 94

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

Landspeeder Tempest.


Post 95

Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995

So, what is happening with this Apocalypse battle we are having sometime in the far future?


Post 96

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

We shall discuss this with Paul C. sometime in the near future, but it will probably be a 3000pts battle that lasts a whole day. The teams will be as follows:

Imperium (imperial guard with some marines and inquisition)


Vile Xenos (Tau, Eldar)


We will have big tanks (esp. Baneblade) with a handful of infantry to engage the Tau in close-combat. They will have whatever they can gather in such a small time.


Post 97

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

I have posted the Fields of Glory rules, and by the time you read this may have added some army lists for you to cast your gaze at.

Am I good at this or what?


Post 98

Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995

When you say infantry. Can I use space marines?


Post 99

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.


what do you think of the rules?


Post 100

Sceptical Nick - Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.

I now have 3 out of 5 army lists posted.

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