Journal Entries

NaJoPoMo day 30 Finally!

My last November Journal.

I'm lying on the floor, next to the radiator and eating Pringles. I generally have Wednesday off from uni and so today my tasks are to wrap some presents and get supplies for making salt dough decorations (A87725497 i'm not finished writing this yet.) and paper decorations. Our tree is only 2' tall, so tinsel will look silly on it.

Tomorrow I have a single hour of class, then I will continue wrapping presents, and i will put ou the three and advent calendars.

Friday I again have no classes, I will be making a large batch of Salt Dough for my Cub-Scouts as well as finishing of the tasks of Thursday. I will also be having my Guitar lesson and a trip to the Doctors for the results of my Scan last week.

minismiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Nov 30, 2011

NaJoPoMo day 29. Birthday

My niece is one year old today.

This time last year I was in Glasgow on a friends sofa defrosting form the huge amongst of snow I had to walk through on the morning of the 28th. I had not made it to Paisley to see my sister, but she had not yet had the baby.

Later today I will make the four hour journey home to attend her fist birthday party. I will then make the four hour journey back to Dundee because I miss my S if we are apart.

And so the penultimate day of the month of journals will be a happy one for this smiley - mouse

Enjoy your Tuesday everybody.

minismiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2011

NaJoPoMo day 28 Painful.

I've gone sprained my ankle. How did I manage this you ask?

I stood on a (already cracked) plate last night and it is now two half plates.

All day today my Right ankle has been getting progressively sorer, until I was walking home from Uni and could barely stand on it.

I have to travel around 8 hours tomorrow, for a birthday party of a 1 year old. Not just any party, A "Teddy Bears Picnic" and I have to bring my Beary Best Friend.

it should be fun. I just hope I'm walking a little more comfortably by then.

minismiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2011

NaJoPoMo day 27 maow.

I'm a <mouse, but I go Maow.

minismiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Nov 27, 2011

NaJoPoMo day 26. Essaying again.

Yep, I have more coursework, and it's due yes on Monday.

i'm 1/4 of the way through it, and it needs finished before Monday.

minismiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Nov 26, 2011

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