This is a Journal entry by minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

NaJoPoMo day 29. Birthday

Post 1

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

My niece is one year old today.

This time last year I was in Glasgow on a friends sofa defrosting form the huge amongst of snow I had to walk through on the morning of the 28th. I had not made it to Paisley to see my sister, but she had not yet had the baby.

Later today I will make the four hour journey home to attend her fist birthday party. I will then make the four hour journey back to Dundee because I miss my S if we are apart.

And so the penultimate day of the month of journals will be a happy one for this smiley - mouse

Enjoy your Tuesday everybody.

minismiley - mouse

NaJoPoMo day 29. Birthday

Post 2


Happy Birthday for your niece!

NaJoPoMo day 29. Birthday

Post 3


smiley - devil

NaJoPoMo day 29. Birthday

Post 4

Researcher 14993127

smiley - cat

NaJoPoMo day 29. Birthday

Post 5

Metal Chicken

Happy 1st Birthday to your niece. smiley - giftsmiley - cake

NaJoPoMo day 29. Birthday

Post 6

Deep Doo Doo

I hope you enjoy the party, mini - I'm sure you will! smiley - smiley

My wife, who's a Dundee lassie (and has a low regard for the toffs in Broughty Ferry) says that it won't take four hours to get from Dundee to Paisley unless you are walking, or using public transport. smiley - laugh

Which mode of transport did you use?

NaJoPoMo day 29. Birthday

Post 7

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

I was going a bit further west than paisley using Public Transport.

But due to the flooding in Greenock today I didn't make it to Dunoon for the party.

I made it to Glasgow to be told that no public transport was going past paisley, so I had to turn round and come home again smiley - sadface

minismiley - mouse

NaJoPoMo day 29. Birthday

Post 8


Bad luck mini, hope you weren't too cold, tired or fed up when you got home.

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