Journal Entries

Fair warning

I have decided (because I am slightly mad) to do NaJoPoMo again this year. so 30 days of daily journals. and the added fun of a possible Mouseling arrival during it all.

You have been warned!

minismiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Oct 31, 2012

The Bump

o while I await the arrival of the Mouseling (6 weeks to go!) here is a picture of The Bump.

minismiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Oct 23, 2012

A pile of news.

*blows dust off journal*

Oh smiley - erm hello, I haven't posted any news for quite some time! smiley - sorry

so what has been happening in the world of the smiley - mouse?

Well Tomorrow I will be 17 weeks pregnant, which means I'm approaching halfway! smiley - wow The mouseling is now a definite bump which just keeps slowly getting bigger.

We have found a Council Flat in Kilmarnock and are signing the tenancy agreement tomorrow. It needs a bit of work doing to it, such as removing the wallpaper, painting the walls, putting down carpets, acquiring a cooker, washing machine and fridge freezer, and of course furniture. But we hope to get it all completed in the next 2-4 weeks.

I'm looking forward to having a home of our own that we can decorate to our tastes, as i'm getting a tad sick of magnolia! I'm most looking forward to decorating the nursery but as the mouseling isn't due to make their grand appearance until Late November at the earliest, i can take my time and get it perfect.

To further confound matters my older sister (who by the way is also expecting a baby) gets the keys to her new house in 4-5 weeks, so I need to be finished moving by then so my parents can help her out.

Lots of fun and games, and lots going on!

minismiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Jun 25, 2012

Somebody's getting married.

so yesterday afternoon S asked me a rather big important question. I said yes of course.

Obviously it's not happening soon, but he has made a promise that it will happen one day.

I'm a very happy mouse.

here have some muppets, because it made me smile.

minismiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Apr 20, 2012

Some happier news.

Well the scout gang show is now over. It was an exhausting week (so much so that I was falling asleep while sitting on the Rostra last night) but i did enjoy being onstage again. All the kids in the show enjoyed themselves, and i hope they are all getting some well deserved rest today.

In other news S and I are thinking of relocating later this year. We are fed up of Dundee and would like a fresh start, so we are looking at places to live back over on the west coast. We haven't decided where yet, but we are looking at Kilmarnock and at Irvine for now.

I have discovered the reason I have been feeling nauseous and sleepy for the past few weeks, and it's nothing to worry about. Other symptoms include extra hormones, needing to pee lots, and tender smiley - tit's. (and if you figure it out, please keep quiet elsewhere online, some family members don't know yet)

minismiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Apr 8, 2012

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