This is a Journal entry by minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

NaJoPoMo day 30 Finally!

Post 1

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

My last November Journal.

I'm lying on the floor, next to the radiator and eating Pringles. I generally have Wednesday off from uni and so today my tasks are to wrap some presents and get supplies for making salt dough decorations (A87725497 i'm not finished writing this yet.) and paper decorations. Our tree is only 2' tall, so tinsel will look silly on it.

Tomorrow I have a single hour of class, then I will continue wrapping presents, and i will put ou the three and advent calendars.

Friday I again have no classes, I will be making a large batch of Salt Dough for my Cub-Scouts as well as finishing of the tasks of Thursday. I will also be having my Guitar lesson and a trip to the Doctors for the results of my Scan last week.

minismiley - mouse

NaJoPoMo day 30 Finally!

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Ah, that's what we in Sweden call trolldeg (troll dough). Are you using colour as well?

NaJoPoMo day 30 Finally!

Post 3

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

i'm not sure yet, may colour some red and green dough if I can get food colouring.

minismiley - mouse

NaJoPoMo day 30 Finally!

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

I hope you do, it makes it more fun, I think. And the good thing about the dough is that it's safe for children to eat, although I don't think it tastes very well, with all that salt smiley - erm

Useless piece of information number 7.318: this is the most common picture Scandinavians in genearal have of the trolls, due to how popular the artists was:

And yes, that'd be me in the middle smiley - winkeye

NaJoPoMo day 30 Finally!

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)



(John Bauer, by the way)

NaJoPoMo day 30 Finally!

Post 6

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - book

NaJoPoMo day 30 Finally!

Post 7


Sounds like a lovely day. Mine was hectic and stressful, and just reading about yours makes me feel more relaxed!

Deb smiley - cheerup

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