This is the Message Centre for The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The

Post 541


Look Aw,I do think our Captain has been so busy with shopping ,yaks, etc.,he may have been a little ungrateful to staff members !!! I think we could all do with a wonderful get together,and plan our new strategy for 2005,wouldn't you agree Captain ?

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 542

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Sure Lass. I'm game. we've just become short a few part time creww that's all.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 543


Thats settled then ! I'll begin making plans right away !! A few balloons,the odd firework,something to nibble on.Oh and drinks,of course.I'll make a list.... *Puts more John Lennon on the cd player 'Give Peace a chance',goes off to find a pen and paper,immediately*

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 544

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

I like have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year let's hope it's a good one and full of good cheer. War is over peace is somnthig war is over now. You remember that one Lass.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 545


I remember it so well xxxxxx Seems you do too Captain,I knew you would xxxxx

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 546

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Yeah it has always been one of me favourites. Shall we dance Lass?

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 547


I'd love to Captain x Thankyou xI lost my shoes in the water so I'm barefoot OK ? xxx

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 548

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Well you can stand on my feet Lass. Gee did'nt you just buy some shoes? Or we can set and relax as this has been a foray into mindlessness as of late.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 549


Thats a good idea,we could look at the perfect sunset....Then dance....I know I have new shoes,but I just can't stand leaving you for one second alone to even look for them in my cabin Captain xxxx

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 550

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Aweeeeesmiley - blush Thanks Dear.smiley - hug

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 551


My pleasure entirely Captain I'm sure xx Now,where shall we sit for the best view ?

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 552

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

I was thinking the aft deck meself it has the best view of the setting sun.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 553


*Pinky follows the Captain along to the aft deck.Sits down beside the Captain and gazes out at the breathtaking view*

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 554

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

*The Beetles playing "Listen" in the background*

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 555


This is simply perfect,wouldn't you agree Captain ?

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 556

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Yes Lass. We deserve it don't you think? *Penny Lane playes so softly as the sun begins to set*

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 557


Good old Penny Lane.Just sad the sun has to set at all !!! Still,it has to be !!! Fancy a beer Captain ?

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 558

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Why certainly Dear. Thanks. CD player whiches to the Moody Blues CD

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 559


I used to LOVE the Moody Blues.well actually I still do ! *Pinky pops down to the galley for 2 beers,trips on the bottom step and falls*

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Ghost of Cochese

Post 560

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

What the h... get's up and runs to asist the Lady Pink. Are you Ok Lass.*reaches to scoop up Pinky.*

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The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The

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