This is the Message Centre for Cyiadan

this is a lie!

Post 81


He knows Ena, I don't think he knows Cyiadan. I knew being online was a bad idea

this is a lie!

Post 82


smiley - hug you mean it really isn't you...

I'm sorry Ena

this is a lie!

Post 83


You thought it was me?! *upset*

this is a lie!

Post 84


smiley - cuddle I'm really sorry its just what was said was like what I said to you early...

smiley - erm and I'm not the only one...

this is a lie!

Post 85


What did you say to me earlier? What has been said? I only saw one post on the 'lil calling flamestrike' and decided I better go offline as Ena

this is a lie!

Post 86


He posts like me? Well I knew being online was a really bad idea and I knew he has seen me write but I never thought you lot would think I was him.

this is a lie!

Post 87


smiley - erm the whole wondering thread...

this is a lie!

Post 88


smiley - erm it was the thing about all the links from my PS

this is a lie!

Post 89


I haven't checked Bigfinger's threads since I was unable to get access...I'll go look

this is a lie!

Post 90


I have looked and lil's suggestion about the italics. Can it be done? Won't it show that I still have the account as all that I think has happened is that he has changed my password? Or will it show that he has the account?

Do you really think it was me?

this is a lie!

Post 91


smiley - bleep no!

I knew it wasn't you from the minute you said you weren't able to access your account!

Look, what he's doing is illegal. It is fraud, and at least in the US, he could go to prison for it. We need to get the Italics involved.

this is a lie!

Post 92


I don't think that anymore.... especially as you don't really call yourself Lou...

smiley - erm I don't know if it can be done... but you might want to see an italic anyways... there are a few on

this is a lie!

Post 93


Oh no, please...all he has done is change the password. It's harmless and my fault for letting him see the password in the first place. The secret question shouldn't be too hard to guess as it is my first;s just when I type my primary school it doesn't let me so maybe I misspelt it originally or I put in the nickname.

Let me try to get in please, I don't want to get anybody into trouble. I thought when you said contact the italics you just meant to put your mind at ease that it wasn't me playing tricks...not to do anything


this is a lie!

Post 94


I don't think it would be that hard to prove that the account has been tampered with- surely the BBC keeps logs of when passwords are changed!

this is a lie!

Post 95


I think the only one who's going to get in trouble if you throw this to the Italics is the one who deserves to get in trouble. You're not doing anything wrong. He's the one to blame for this mess.

this is a lie!

Post 96


Please let me try and get into it first; then this can all be sorted without bringing anyone else into it or getting anyone into trouble

this is a lie!

Post 97


Jimm Lynn would know about that... he is an italic U6 I think... one of the programmers...

I'm sorry I didn't belive he just said something and then Lil was telling me it was you toosmiley - sadface

smiley - cry I really am sorry after a few psotings I realised it wasn't you

this is a lie!

Post 98

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Contact the Italics Ena... tell them someone is impersonating you!

That they are contacting your online friends and accessing information from their accounts.

The Italics will close the account down completely.

this is a lie!

Post 99


It doesn't matter Kham

this is a lie!

Post 100


Can't I just try and get back into the account, if I can do that then I can change the password again and he won't know it

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