This is the Message Centre for Cyiadan

this is a lie!

Post 41


I never thought I would be discussibg this with a guy

this is a lie!

Post 42


I never thought a girl would discuss this with me...

this is a lie!

Post 43



this is a lie!

Post 44


I dont mind, its just if you had asked me a few years ago if I hought I would one day be talking to girls full stop I would have said no

this is a lie!

Post 45


Why? Or shouldn't I ask

this is a lie!

Post 46


smiley - erm I wasn't at all confident in any way shape or form even 2 years ago... I have had to smiley - erm well be thrown in at the deep end of new social situations to even be able to talk on h2g2

this is a lie!

Post 47


Well I think you are doing very well then smiley - cuddle

this is a lie!

Post 48


the fact I went to the meet scares me a little about how far I have come...

what scares me even more is the fact the other day I told a girl I knew from Uni over msn that I had a crush on her when we were at Uni together...

this is a lie!

Post 49


Well smiley - hug I think you are very brave and I'm glad you can talk to me as I love talking to you

this is a lie!

Post 50


smiley - hug I love talking to you too... it would be a boring existance if I was the same way I was a few years ago as I couldn't really do a proper job...

this is a lie!

Post 51


I've actually got a lot better as well, especially since coming on hootoo

this is a lie!

Post 52


smiley - biggrin yeah hootoo seems to exceed what it was made for... well in my opinion anyways

this is a lie!

Post 53


Exactly and absolutely!

this is a lie!

Post 54


smiley - biggrin nice to know at least one person agrees

this is a lie!

Post 55


I'm sure everybody agrees....smiley - cuddle

this is a lie!

Post 56


smiley - cuddle I hope they do see you tomorrow

this is a lie!

Post 57


Isn't this a nice warm fuzzy thread? smiley - biggrin

this is a lie!

Post 58


smiley - biggrin yeah it is... there should be more around, don't you think?

this is a lie!

Post 59


I do indeed

this is a lie!

Post 60


smiley - biggrin maybe I should go other places and make them like this one then

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