This is the Message Centre for BudyChrist

Researcher who is quite probably a 'Dogma' fan, you've been ACE'd

Post 1


Hello and welcome to h2g2, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Earth Edition) smiley - biggrin. I'm Unc, one of the <./>ACE</.>s. smiley - ok

To get you started, the <./>DontPanic-tour</.> is very useful smiley - dontpanic. Feisor has also written a list of hints and links for new researchers which you can read at A719840.

smiley - monstersmiley - dragonsmiley - orangefishsmiley - fairysmiley - cheesecakesmiley - wizardLearn how to use these smileys at the <./>Smiley</.> page smiley - ponysmiley - fishsmiley - discosmiley - ticklesmiley - pandasmiley - cappuccino

A few places to go...
smiley - disco<./>Askh2g2</.> to ask a question to the h2g2 community
smiley - disco<./>Miscchat</.> for more general chat
smiley - discoA630019 is a list of clubs and societies
smiley - discoA1123354 to learn how to brighten up your user page smiley - rainbow

Read <./>thepost</.>, h2g2's very own newspaper to find out what's happening on site smiley - thepost

If you want to help write the Guide, then try <./>contribute</.> smiley - biggrin, A1355195 is also very useful.

Need any help or simply want to chat, just reply to this message and I'll get back to you. smiley - cool
smiley - tea and smiley - cake,
smiley - towel

Researcher who is quite probably a 'Dogma' fan, you've been ACE'd

Post 2


Why thanks a plenty, I am a Dogma fan.. from Harsh Christian worshipers, to the movie Dogma by Kevin Smith, i like them all.

I only have one question really...
... Field researchers?.. What exactly would that demand of someone? Is there quotas of research papers to hand in... or is it just a glorified title?


Researcher who is quite probably a 'Dogma' fan, you've been ACE'd

Post 3


Field Researchers are people who have written projects for the University of Life here, but sadly that has since closed. Consequently there will be no more Field Researchers unless the university opens again.

The University of Life was a scheme for people to write in depth projects, instead of just entries, which went through a long review process to make sure the content was of top quality. People got the badges once their projects were completed and added to the university.

Researcher who is quite probably a 'Dogma' fan, you've been ACE'd

Post 4


Hey there Ace, its been a while, but i'm back.. I had to go through basic training this summer... so i'm sorta out of the loop...

I was wondering if you knew a good website to get the trailer for the HHGTTG movie coming out soon. My brother told me it was great, and so i feel a certain sense of duty to find this at all costs... well... maybe not so seriously.. but i do think it would be cool.

Anywho, cheers
And thanks

Researcher who is quite probably a 'Dogma' fan, you've been ACE'd

Post 5


Nice to hear from you again smiley - biggrin

Hmm, not sure, but here's the official movie website - - biggrin

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Researcher who is quite probably a 'Dogma' fan, you've been ACE'd

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