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Useless work ethic

Thats it... now, my issue is with the industry of delegation through tradition.

I have wasted my weekend by being on duty for the CF.
I had to stay in a room with a ohone for 7.5 hours to make sure it didn't ring... mission accomplished.

Second, i spent the biggest part of monday morning folding sheets and making an inventory of these.

Now, i go to my classes.. flustered and frazzled...
And no sleep

Tune in next week for my rant on China..
THis one should be good

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Latest reply: Jan 31, 2005

Almost , but not quite

Do you know that feeling that the end is oh so close, but just out of reach... like exam month at university..

Its here, its easy, and i've had just about enough of it.



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Latest reply: Dec 13, 2004


Its 6 Am.... Mornings are no fun



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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2004


Well... its been a while since i've laid hands on a computer.. somehting like 3 months.. so i haven't actually had the chance to really explore anything except anything Military.

I spent this last summer (2004) in St-Jean Quebec Canada undergoing Basic Officer training Course.... All in all, a crazy summer full of dull people, and guns.... But i've moved on to better things... The Royal Military College of Canada... now the people aren't as dull... but it sure is Crazy.

The moto here goes something like "Truth Duty Valour.... don't get caught".

Interesting Philosophy.

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2004

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