Knower of All Things Random and Irrelevant...

Liberté Egalité Fraternité InsanityWHY?... Because its a perfectly good way of being wretched.The Random Quotes Guild badge I've been described as eclectic, eccentric, pedantic, existential, random, and sometimes bizarre (and for some reason, most of these descriptions are usually used in a positive context... hmmmmm)... I'm a 24-year-old "Temporarily Licensed Master's Level Clinical Psychological Associate," but will be beginning my Doctorate Degree in Counseling Psychology in just a couple of months. I do research on "Defense Mechanism Humor" and Anxiety (but thank goodness my Master's thesis is over). I have a gray himalayan cat, named Mokey. My favorite colors are dark red and purple. I love Classic Rock (especially Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and the Eagles); I also love musicians like Dave Matthews (he puts on an awesome concert), Tori Amos, Trent Reznor, Poe, and a bunch of others; I love Lions (I'm a Leo); Harry Potter (books, movies, whatever); any movie/show by Jim Henson (especially Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, and Fraggle Rock); Invader Zim; Artists like Heironymus Bosch, Salvador Dali, M.C. Escher, Brian Froud, John William Waterhouse, Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, David Delamare, and Socar Myles; office supplies (binder clips rock); coffee beverages; top hats; eBay; purple bendy straws; plants; cooking; crocheting scarves; reading books by Douglas Adams, Frank Herbert, Jack Kerouac, Orson Scott Card, Peter Beagle, etc.; reading all the great bizarre/imaginative childrens books that they ban in all the southern schools here in America (like Harry Potter, the Narnia Chronicals, Alice in Wonderland, etc.); the movie The Big Chill; the smell of Sandlewood; Henna tattoos; Bonnaroo (big hippie music festival in Manchester, Tennessee); Dream symbolism; Chinese and Indian Food; California Poppies and Calla Lillies; British humor (Monty Python cracks me up every time); and collecting completely useless and trivial bits of information (stuff that serves no purpose other than giving me the advantage in a Trivial Pursuit game). -- I hate mushrooms; olives; water chestnuts; green/red peppers; people who don't use their turn signal; country music (even though I live in Kentucky); cleaning the cat box; rude parents at little leage games; my brother's socks; Statistics tests; and the sound that tennis shoes make on basketball courts. -- I have an affinity for remembering obscure quotes and song lyrics, and also for writing (in case you havn't noticed) in a really long, random, and wordy style. =]


~The Oracle, Knower of all things Random and Irrelevant~

"So now that we have seen each other," said the Unicorn to the Elephant, "If you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you." ~~Through the Looking Glass~~

Hey look... I got bored and actually attempted to do math... here are a few of my 42isms:

7(3*2)+ 0(4+1)=42
(Square Root of 73)+24+10= 42.5 and some change

Ok, so that last one isn't exact, but oh well...


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