so you want to know about me
I am Lady Blue eyes. I do not know how old i am, as i don't age very quickiy.I was born with the power to give and take life with a kiss. I am in search of the 'Wise Worrier' for it is written that i shall be his bride. I am the light, and he is the shadow.- I have magical blue eyes, because, i was born under the blue moon. This gift will alow me to recognise the 'Wise Worrier' when i meet him, for, upon looking into his eyes, i shall see the shadow of our lost Empire. The Luna Empire, and it's capital, the city of Silversphear. The 'Wise Worrier' was born under the moon, his was a cresant moon, which means, half his moon was in shadow, so naturaly, the first place i looked was The Shadow Realm. He holds the power of love and hate in his lips. Our births were exactaly 100 years apart. I have now unlocked my powers, and so only have 100 years to find him, or The Luna Empire will be lost forever in shadow. I hole the light of The Luna Empire in my eyes, but for now, it is trapped in the shadows of the 'Wise Worrier's' eyes. This is my task, to bannish the shadows of his eyes, with the light of mine. In doing so, i will give the Light of Life to the people of my world, and marrie my betrothed. I must save them all from the shadows, before 100 years has past, of all will be lost.
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Luthiena calling | Sep 9, 2004 |
Hello and Welcome Lady Blue Eyes... | Jul 20, 2004 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
The (Mad) Lab (Genetic re-sequencing Inc) | Sep 14, 2004 | Sep 30, 2011 |
Forest and Village | Sep 15, 2004 | Apr 17, 2009 |
An angel without wings | No Posting | Mar 7, 2005 |
February 1st | No Posting | Feb 28, 2005 |
Needing a hug | No Posting | Feb 5, 2005 |
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down!
Researcher U720723
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