A Conversation for Shadow Realm

Forest and Village

Post 1


This is a small winding road through a forest full of tiny trees (about knee height) with leaves all colours of the rainbow.
This forest path stretches for a mile before the tress suddenly sprout up to 20 feet high and have purple leaves, in a clearing of this section of forest a small village is found.

Take a ticket and you will be assigned a dwelling!

Forest and Village

Post 2

Trienta Highway woman Thickas Turnips, Witch in training

*enters and takes a ticket*

Forest and Village

Post 3


*looks at the ticket*

Hmm.....if I were you I'd live there

*points at a pile of rubble*

Of course you are welcome to build your own house, we own the finest chocolate building materials ever smiley - bigeyes

Forest and Village

Post 4

Trienta Highway woman Thickas Turnips, Witch in training

*frowns and then points at Ena*
do you have candy slides? i would like to make my self a small castle with a candy slide, and where is there a small hill?smiley - smiley

Forest and Village

Post 5


I'm sorry you can't have a castle.
But here is a candy slide..

*hands her a candy slide*

You can build a playground if you want.

There is a hill right behind that hill there!

smiley - silly

Forest and Village

Post 6

Trienta Highway woman Thickas Turnips, Witch in training

*stares through fringe that is covering side of face, while fiddeling with a small dagger with a silver turnip handle that hangs from belt*
well if i can't have a castle can i have a tree house with a candy slide?smiley - smiley

Forest and Village

Post 7


You cannot use your weapons in here unless authorised, if you try they will disintergrate!

smiley - evilgrinsmiley - devil

Well, we'll see....

Begin plans and report back to me when they are ready!

Forest and Village

Post 8

Trienta Highway woman Thickas Turnips, Witch in training

*hides dagger with long black travel cloak and bows head*
As you wish Ena, i will return with the plans.
*turns and leaves*

Forest and Village

Post 9


*amuses herself by staring at the pink monkeys*

Forest and Village

Post 10

Trienta Highway woman Thickas Turnips, Witch in training

*enters to some chase music and stands tall left hand on triangular hat other resting on handle of dagger*
i have the plans.
*takes left hand from hat and removes small black notebook from inside black cloak. gives it to Ena.*
one big tree, blue leaves, on the hill you sugested. a round one roon tree house made from pink broomsticks with a rope ladder to get in and the candy slide to get out.
*reasumes pose of one hand on dagger other on hat and watches Ena through fringe of hair covering half of face.*smiley - evilgrin

Forest and Village

Post 11


Erm....ok then!

Begin at once!

Forest and Village

Post 12

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*lil finds once again she feels a bit queasy using the smiley - cupcake*

*she finds herself in an area inside the forest*

Forest and Village

Post 13

Trienta Highway woman Thickas Turnips, Witch in training

*Thikas walks forwards and squeezes Enas shoulder thankfully, then produces a turnip wrapped in a green ribbon*
*turns and leaves to build treehouse*smiley - evilgrin

Forest and Village

Post 14


*accepts turnip*
Hmmm....smiley - huh

Welcome my friend lil smiley - hug
You are to be my second in command, build yourself a house

Forest and Village

Post 15

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - erm Thank you. Any particular size or shape?

*lil looks at the materials available*

Forest and Village

Post 16


No, any will do, enjoy yourself smiley - biggrin

Forest and Village

Post 17

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*lil looks around for inspiration and then at the smiley - cupcake in her hand*

Then mine will be round like the smiley - cupcake with a dome on top where the cherry should be...then I can watch over our settlement from its vantage point!!

*lil begins gathering the materials and starts to build her house*

Forest and Village

Post 18


Oh good idea!

*hands over some cupcake looking materials*

smiley - yawn I'm tired

*curls up*

smiley - zzz

Purrs in her sleep

Forest and Village

Post 19

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*lil lays out all the house materials on the floor in almost the exact position to where they would be placed. Suddenly everything started moving and like smiley - magic the house appeared fully built and furnished*

smiley - wow this is fantastic!!

We have got a home viEna...*picks up smiley - cat and enters home*

Forest and Village

Post 20


smiley - yawn

*wakes up and stretches*

What a beautiful house you have built lil!

And since you are my second in command and my most trusted friend within the realm I shall grant you the power to melt in and out of the shdows at will as I do...

*takes lil's smiley - cupcake from her*

smiley - magicsmiley - boing now you can do it...

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