This is the Message Centre for Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down!
Luthiena calling
Luthiena Started conversation May 7, 2004
Hello there, are you new to hootoo?
If so welcome
So how did you find my realm? Do you wish to be nonsense or serious RPG?
Luthiena calling
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! Posted May 7, 2004
Luthiena calling
Luthiena Posted May 7, 2004
Role Play Game....and you didn't answer the other questions..
Luthiena calling
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! Posted May 7, 2004
Yes, i am new. My friend told me about h2g2 and said i should try it out.
i found the shadow realm when i was browsing and it seemed like a cool place to make friends. and i wanted to find the Wise Worrior( see my ps)
Luthiena calling
Luthiena Posted May 8, 2004
Well I don't know the Wise Warrior personally, was it he who told you to join hootoo?
Glad to have you in the realm....never set on up yourself
Luthiena calling
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! Posted May 10, 2004
The Wise Worrior is my betrothed. He holds the power of love and hate in his lips. We were both born under the moon, exactaly 100 years apart. His was a cresant moon, which means half his moon was in shadow, so when i saw The Shadow Realm, i thought i might find him. I have blue eyes because i was born under the blue moon. If i look into his eyes, i will see the shadow of our lost Empire, and i will know it is him.
Luthiena calling
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! Posted May 10, 2004
(no but i needed a history and i thought it was a good story line. it could come in usefull.)
Luthiena calling
Luthiena Posted May 10, 2004
Ah, well I can easily make him for you if you want. I don't mind having two accounts
Luthiena calling
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! Posted May 10, 2004
If you like, but i think i should make some new friends first and find out what the hell is going on cause i keep getting confused. Who is Yuna? i havnt seen her on the forest or an i blind?
Luthiena calling
Luthiena Posted May 10, 2004
No, a couple of the RPG players don't go on the forest as it generates a lot of blog, as does the RPG....
But I can give you a small run down of plt and characters so far if yuo wish to join in
Luthiena calling
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! Posted May 10, 2004
i would love you to but i wont be on line for long. got work to do.
thankyou, you have realy made me feel welcome
Luthiena calling
Luthiena Posted May 10, 2004
You are very welcome... goes, the short short version
Lil was in love with Barry who she thought dies but he actually becaem CaptainCynic who is a baddie and ingests people into his suit. He killed Elise, who was Yael's mum, and proceeded to try and kill Yael.
I stopped him and gave yael 1/2 my soul to help her survive.
Meanwhile Brena had put a bounty on my life and the assassin Khamsin came to collect it, Brena was really Ena's twin but he wanted to kill her because she was a traitor.
CC (CaptainCynic) ingested lil with Elise and controlled her for a while.
Kham fell in love with Ena and tried to protect her from Brena who rvealed himself and showed lil Tetsu's death (Ena's past fiance she killed) to turn her against Ena.
Tetsu possessed Brena and helped for a while, Saiga, Ena's bodyguard showed up and took a dislike to Kham
Yuna, Brena's bodyguard showed up and lots of fights happened ending in Yuna and Saiga confessing true feelings for each other
Oh yeah and lil and Kham used to have a thing but he doesn't remember it and she still loves him. a bit lost now
Luthiena calling
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! Posted May 10, 2004
Luthiena calling
Luthiena Posted May 10, 2004
You are welcome.
So what do you think of hootoo and it's residents so far?
Luthiena calling
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! Posted May 10, 2004
i like it. Everybody is so nice. i have found that on the net i don't have to be myself, i can be who i like and i can be confident and happy.
its good to have friends who are the same as me.(no offence) but you could be a young girl, of a 90 year old man with piles. but it doesnt matter to me you are Luthiena. sorry ,i'm woffeling.
Luthiena calling
Luthiena Posted May 10, 2004
Well I'm a 17 year old girl but if it makes you feel better I can pretend to be a 90 year old man...
Luthiena calling
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! Posted May 10, 2004
No, 17 is fantastic. I am 17, and at collage doing dance. but i'm sticking to my name is Lady blueeyes and i am from far away. are you at collage?
Luthiena calling
Luthiena Posted May 10, 2004
Are you at York College by any chance, are you here under another name Thickas? (sorry if you're not her but I'm suspicious)
Luthiena calling
Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! Posted May 10, 2004
Thickas, turnips, do you know Trienta off line. i am Lady Blue eyes and i am from London, Sydcup.(Kent) does trienta go under different names? i read some of the blog, andshe was the first new commer to your realm, but she seems a bit mad!(no affence if she is your friend ena)
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Luthiena calling
- 1: Luthiena (May 7, 2004)
- 2: Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! (May 7, 2004)
- 3: Luthiena (May 7, 2004)
- 4: Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! (May 7, 2004)
- 5: Luthiena (May 8, 2004)
- 6: Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! (May 10, 2004)
- 7: Luthiena (May 10, 2004)
- 8: Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! (May 10, 2004)
- 9: Luthiena (May 10, 2004)
- 10: Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! (May 10, 2004)
- 11: Luthiena (May 10, 2004)
- 12: Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! (May 10, 2004)
- 13: Luthiena (May 10, 2004)
- 14: Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! (May 10, 2004)
- 15: Luthiena (May 10, 2004)
- 16: Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! (May 10, 2004)
- 17: Luthiena (May 10, 2004)
- 18: Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! (May 10, 2004)
- 19: Luthiena (May 10, 2004)
- 20: Lady_blue_eyes - If the only way is up, then why am i still going down! (May 10, 2004)
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