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ID | Title | Created |
A21350701 | Final Fantasy - The Video Game Series (Update - WORK IN PROGRESS) | Apr 2, 2007 |
A13660247 | Advance Wars - The Nintendo Game Series | Aug 10, 2006 |
A5370635 | Robert Rankin - Author (update) | Aug 29, 2005 |
A3524050 | Triple Triad - the card game | Jan 14, 2005 |
A3002419 | 'Final Fantasy' - The videogame series (extended edition) | Sep 14, 2004 |
A2593262 | Final Fantasy IX | May 3, 2004 |
A2591129 | 'Final Fantasy' - the videogame series | May 2, 2004 |
A2589005 | Final Fantasy VII - X-2 - reviews | May 1, 2004 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."