Journal Entries
New start
Posted Oct 17, 2004
After a long, long break I'm back for more.
Last time around I got way too absorbed, which frightened me. It's so simple to start with the all-or-nothing-thing, but it never stays that simple. This time I'll try to take it more easy.
I'm glad to be back!
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Latest reply: Oct 17, 2004
Starting to feel at home!
Posted Mar 29, 2004
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Latest reply: Mar 29, 2004
Lurking and fish
Posted Mar 21, 2004
I've decided it's okay for me to browse around untill i feel enough to post around. I'm not that good at opinions yet
Basically this means I've been lurking around all day. Among others I lurked at A446078 (the Kingdom of Balwyniti - including the dungeon ) and A431911 - The Royal h2g2 Procrastinators Society - which seemed very homely
so I think I'll join them later.
Of course this means I really belong at A588440 (The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society), but hey - a lurker doesn't join if that means she has to un-lurk herself!
Naturally I couldn't miss A516647; The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday "Thing", but yet again I didn't dare. I know deep in my heart I can't resist the temptation, but I have decided to yield in stages. Therefore I changed my nick to Spiffy - Doobry-born And Proud Of It!
And of course I asked for a today at A568703. I hope I'll really get one
It seems I'm more into the community than into the Serious Stuff. Well, if that is how it is, blah blah blah.
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Latest reply: Mar 21, 2004
Posted Mar 21, 2004
I've decided it's okay for me to browse around untill i feel enough to post around. I'm not that good at opinions yet
But I did ask for a today at A568703!
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Latest reply: Mar 21, 2004
Fascination and good intentions
Posted Mar 21, 2004
I have decided I'll browse around today. I'm extremely fascinated by the A944246 entry, but it's just too soon to start reacting yet. Right now, I'm just a little shy
But I'll get to it! And in the end, I'll even write my own entries! Now all I have to do is think of something to write about...
At least I get the
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Latest reply: Mar 21, 2004
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