This is a Journal entry by Spiffy - Always glad to see you

Starting to feel at home!

Post 1

Spiffy - Always glad to see you

Started posting! Joined the Thingites! I really like it here Progress on the No!No!No!-thread: post 2300 IRL I've been busy as well. Last Poets we demonstrated against the new plans they've made up for the higher education. It was my first demonstration ever - surreal but nice. The usual hitchhikers were present: the communists, the socialists, the squatters: the 'professional' demonstrators, so to speak. I must admit I kinda liked the march through Amsterdam. O well, in the end the whole thing won't have any effect, but staying at home would be even worse. O, and my boyfriend has decided to run for president - of our student union, that is. His chances are good, therefore so are mine of hardly ever seeing him next year. Well, I won't be It's all for the Sake Of The Nation and Justice For All, I know. Plus I'll have an excuse to join him to all the parties And now I'm off to bed: tomorrow I'll have to take notes at the big meeting with all the members from the union. O, one thing more: I'm so happy! There's more then plenty to be sad about, but I'm not! I feel good and relaxed, it's getting spring, I feel like dancing all the time. I'm humming and smiling. This world can be such a good place! I love it! And I love you, dear reader! and all around!

Starting to feel at home!

Post 2

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - hug Settling in nicely then? smiley - smiley

Your actually reading "No No No" - I am impressed. smiley - bigeyes I dip into the past occassionally and sometimes laugh at seeing myself write things I've long sicne forgotten about - but I've never tried to read through *all* of it. Good luck and keep it up! smiley - ok

I ran for a president of the student committe at university ocne (though not for the Union) It will be a demanding position for your boyfriend no doubt about it. I haveno idea if it is the same in the Netherlands but here in the UK the student unions can get quite involved politically going toe to toe with the governemnt over higher education policies. Still if he gets it remember this important phrase: "When in doubt, mumble. When in trouble, delegate." smiley - winkeye

I went on one march last year through London against The Shrub coseying up with Blair (it the one where they pulled down that statue of Bush in Traffalger Square.) They are good fun - and they really do bring out Everyone. I've never seen so many hammer and sickle / young communists/freedom for Palestine/ signs and boards.

My favourite placard though was definately: "I only came outside for a Pint of Milk!!" smiley - rofl

Have a nice day.

Clive. smiley - smiley

Starting to feel at home!

Post 3

Spiffy - Always glad to see you

Hi Clive!

You're really nice, did I tell you that? smiley - hug
Reading No No No is fun, actually. I'm a little past may 2001, which means the tunnel has collapsed and is blown up, Shea is having trouble getting Happy from under her skirts, Amy's wolf has just littered, the smiley - monstersmiley - bunnys are everywhere and IRL you're arranging a ball (and being very stressed about it). O, and you've just officially gabbled for the first time (for Trin) and are now wondering what a gabble might be smiley - biggrin

Er... about the union... actually I think I used the wrong word, but it was the closest thing I could find in the dictionary. It's hard to explain in English when thinking in Dutch smiley - erm but I'll give it a try.
Perhaps I meant something more like a society? Everyone who studies AI at our university can become a member, and this society (aptly named "Incognito") organises a symposium, a study trip, lectures, and so on and so forth, but also parties and stuff.
It's still a lot of work - but definitely not as much as president of the Union. However your advise seems still wise smiley - laugh I'll make sure to tell him smiley - ok

I read your ankle is okay. Regeneration is an amazing thing smiley - magic

Enjoy your day! smiley - cuddle

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