Journal Entries
Total Lunar Eclipse, 4th May 2004
Posted May 4, 2004
>>>>>Space Weather News for May 1, 2004
On Tuesday night, May 4th, sky watchers in Europe, Africa, South America
and Asia can see a total lunar eclipse. The full moon will glide through
Earth's shadow and turn a lovely shade of sunset-red. North Americans
won't be able to see the event--not directly--but they can view it over
the Internet. Visit for links to live webcasts of the
eclipse, along with visibility maps and more information.<<<<<
Well it's pouring with rain and it looks like it's got no intention of letting up. I was looking forward to the total lunar eclipse. Natural wonders such as this help me get my head around things, and I need that today.
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Latest reply: May 4, 2004
Back home now
Posted Mar 13, 2004
Anyone up for a laugh and a giggle?
Have just realised I was asking Even Elpuss about his wife's hair - should have been the DR. How thick can a girl get. Never have been any good with names. Apologies boys!!!!
Had a loverly curry tonight.
So, what will we play tonight?
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Latest reply: Mar 13, 2004
Our Own Cafe
Posted Mar 10, 2004
Have created a cafe for all us
Go to A2401101
Would be if everyone included in any replies to this Journal Entry their ideas of how we could
up our page. The title could be changed for a start!!! Everyone else is wittier than I am.
We could have pictures, different text etc etc etc.
What do you all think?????
love Corrie
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Latest reply: Mar 10, 2004
Posted Mar 10, 2004
"Happy birthday to you! ..."
Hope you all have a great day. Sure PB will receive lots of but we know the one he will love the most!
Enjoy your day.
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Latest reply: Mar 10, 2004
Thursday, 4th March 2004
Posted Mar 4, 2004
I've found h2g2, I've registered as Crazy Corrie.
This place seems interesting, and I'm sure it will be loads and loads of fun. Right now, though, feel as though am at the entrance to a maze. What do I do? Where do I go? Will get there!
Feel a bit like 'Billy No Mates' till I get to know my way around. My new friend, Belly Dancing Goldfish is in here somewhere, and Midnight Angel was very encouraging.
Will try to do something with 'My Space'.
Corrie B
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Latest reply: Mar 4, 2004
moved to new address
Researcher U635735
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