This is a Journal entry by moved to new address
Thursday, 4th March 2004
moved to new address Started conversation Mar 4, 2004
I've found h2g2, I've registered as Crazy Corrie.
This place seems interesting, and I'm sure it will be loads and loads of fun. Right now, though, feel as though am at the entrance to a maze. What do I do? Where do I go? Will get there!
Feel a bit like 'Billy No Mates' till I get to know my way around. My new friend, Belly Dancing Goldfish is in here somewhere, and Midnight Angel was very encouraging.
Will try to do something with 'My Space'.
Corrie B
Thursday, 4th March 2004
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 4, 2004
Hello again!!! FBN is here have you seen her yet I'm eating and d
how come your journal entry ended up in "my messages" or did you start a new message? We don't need to start a new message every time we want to communicate cos all the messages you are involved in are in your message centre and it shows you when a new one comes in!!!!
Hope this makes sense.
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Thursday, 4th March 2004
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