This is a Journal entry by moved to new address

Our Own Cafe

Post 21


Yes, Phil has recognised my true athletic ability. LOL.

Where is Fly, and what was she going to announce. See my message about Eric is total rubbish. I meant to say that he's the hamster.

Corrie may be getting us a pet.


Our Own Cafe

Post 22


Hi Jensmiley - smiley

I've only just now read your message. Is it me? I find it difficult to see what's going on all the time.
My announcement was to be that I'd arrived. Corrie has been helping me to make a page, but I keep mucking it up.smiley - sadface She is just so clever, don't know why she hasn't lost patience with me.

See you around, I hope.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Our Own Cafe

Post 23


I am sorry Fly. I am trying to answer all my e mails, and having had no tea and a bottle ofwine, i am confuse.


Our Own Cafe

Post 24


Hi CF, A good tip for you, when you have finished doing up your page, copy it on to a disc!smiley - ok
That way when you come to alter it or add to it, you wont lose all your worksmiley - ok

It took me ages to do my page, with the drop down menues and things, but I was lucky and had a lot of help from otherssmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Our Own Cafe

Post 25

moved to new address

Hi Smudger,

That's a good idea, thanks. I've had loads of help this last week and helped some others and it's all smiley - smiley

I love the bouncy bits on Electric Sheperd's page, and all the coloured bits on his and others' pages. Would like fancy bits on mine, but look at someone else's page, follow a link, follow another link, more reading, more laughing, more links. Never mind - all good fun.

Our Own Cafe

Post 26


Oh dear Smudgersmiley - smiley

You don't know what a klutz I am. I shall have to ask my friend Mustard Seed to move in with me.
I've been keeping her busy with my page all week. She'll have a severe headache trying to teach me more.smiley - wah

Thank you anyway, you are all so patient.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Our Own Cafe

Post 27

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya smiley - winkeye

smiley - yikes

Er hum

Did I hear someone discussing my bouncy bits, smiley - rofl better not let my wife find out.

ES smiley - sheepsmiley - smiley

Our Own Cafe

Post 28


smiley - ermHumph!! Aint no "Bouncy Bits" on my pagesmiley - sadface

Just boring old Drop Down Menuessmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Our Own Cafe

Post 29

moved to new address

For you Smudgersmiley - kiss

....hic...hic...<smiley type="ale"/>

Our Own Cafe

Post 30

Researcher U634370

Hiya smiley - earth

Your are so clever I've just copied above for future use. Silly me I've just realised how to get my message centre back on top (sometimes I can be so dense smiley - doh.

I still think they should give you a job.

Lots of smiley - love & smiley - kiss's

BD smiley - fish

Our Own Cafe

Post 31


Oh! dont confuse me any more, Im just getting by on this thing as it issmiley - laughsmiley - cool

It took me ages to get my page right, PLUS a lot of help for nice peoplesmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger,

Our Own Cafe

Post 32

moved to new address

Hello Smudger,

Have just read your entry about your Dad. Know that I am facing similar and am perhaps too emotionally raw to respond fully. I do hear you and understand. Until I met my husband and then gave birth to my children, my dad was my whole life. I love him so much and we do share a special bond. My little sister died four and a half years ago and, of course, we haven't really coped with her death. My dad, I feel, as much as he loves the rest of us, is waiting to die.

I remember the day that I realized I could talk to my dad. Not going there tonight.


Our Own Cafe

Post 33


Hi Correne, I was sorry to read about your sisters death, that must be hard to take. The main thing that made me write that story about my Dad was that I never really got to know him, or understand him.
It was an ideal childhood I had, but looking back on it now, I realise it wasnt his fault.
I saw a lot of death when I was working, but never let it get to me, but it does in the end when I get flash backs.
Its probably due to the fact that I have more time now, and spend a lot of it reflecting back over my life so far, hence the Snippetssmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Our Own Cafe

Post 34

moved to new address

May I talk with you tomorrow? I have to go now for other reasons. Would like to continue tomorrow.

smiley - lovesmiley - earth

Our Own Cafe

Post 35


No probssmiley - biggrin Im here every day, at some time or othersmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

Our Own Cafe

Post 36


Thank you BDG !

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