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Posted Apr 18, 2007
Well, a couple of exams, a few papers to write, a lot of time at work, some computer crashes followed by warranty work and an assortment of other interesting twists and turns means that I haven't been here in ages. But now I'm back, hopefully for a while. The insanity certainly isn't likely to stop, but a functioning computer is helpful in more ways than one, for school, work, and fun. So, right at the moment I'm afraid I've just popped in to say 'yes, I'm still alive', but hopefully I'll be back for some real updates sometime soon.
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Latest reply: Apr 18, 2007
Posted Dec 20, 2006
Well, here it is, almost Christmas. I am supposedly on vacation, but I'm not sure I feel that way. It is almost busier than school. Decorating, cleaning, cooking, wrapping gifts, trying to visit all sorts of people in a very short period of time.... I feel a little overwhelmed. As usual there are people I really want to spend time with that I will not get to see at all, and people I have to spend huge amounts of time with that I would be perfectly happy with less. Ah, life. Studying to do still, since there are exams the second week of January. And then I'll be looking forward to the next holiday. Well, I shall have to sit down and update life on here, but right now, there are yummy smells coming from the kitchen, and some good tunes on the radio, so off for a cuppa
and you'll just have to wait in suspense (
) til next time. Promise it will be sooner rather than later.
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Latest reply: Dec 20, 2006
brain mush
Posted Nov 4, 2006
The first exam of the new school year is over. Yay!! Now I am suffering from what a friend who also went to med school called the "post-exam swiss cheese effect". And it is nice. I'm sure I'll get annoyed and want all that info back in my head later on in the next unit, but right now I'm just enjoying relaxing, some good jazz and blues, and talking to a friend. Ahhhhh. Now for a weekend of balancing cleaning up around here with getting things done that have been put off for the last few weeks.
So, it is off for a cuppa
and then the rest of the evening just for me and the
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Latest reply: Nov 4, 2006
Posted Oct 27, 2006
reinstating things I accidentally deleted.... oops
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Latest reply: Oct 27, 2006
Posted Oct 27, 2006
I just had a conversation with a friend that I haven't talked to in almost a year. One of those wonderful people who you spend a few moments of your life very close to, and then move on in your separate paths to vastly different places in your own personal journeys. But then you keep talking to each other, sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little, but when you really need them, they are there to remind you of who you were, and who you are. The kind of person who can drag you screaming back to reality when you need it, and be there to make it just a little easier to deal with. The kind of person that makes it worth being here and doing all this....stuff. The kind of person who makes the world beautiful, and makes you thankful for such a wonderful friendship. The kind that will never really die. There aren't many of them, but they are a few people worth more to me than anything. So thank you, you know who you are. I wouldn't want to have to do this without you. Know that you are not taken for granted.
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Latest reply: Oct 27, 2006
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