This is a Journal entry by Faegan's Girl - a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma


Post 1

Faegan's Girl - a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

Well, here it is, almost Christmas. I am supposedly on vacation, but I'm not sure I feel that way. It is almost busier than school. Decorating, cleaning, cooking, wrapping gifts, trying to visit all sorts of people in a very short period of time.... I feel a little overwhelmed. As usual there are people I really want to spend time with that I will not get to see at all, and people I have to spend huge amounts of time with that I would be perfectly happy with less. Ah, life. Studying to do still, since there are exams the second week of January. And then I'll be looking forward to the next holiday. smiley - tongueout Well, I shall have to sit down and update life on here, but right now, there are yummy smells coming from the kitchen, and some good tunes on the radio, so off for a cuppa smiley - tea and you'll just have to wait in suspense (smiley - rofl) til next time. Promise it will be sooner rather than later.

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