Welcome to Dave Shoare's Homepage
The obligatory "Hello" bit
Hello, I'm David. You may call me Dave, but unlike David Call Me Dave Cameron I'm honestly not bothered with which one you use.
I enjoy lots of things including Politics, Television, music and other things that I shan't bore you with.
There are too many social networking sites on the internet
I have what is known as a Myspace, like having one of these homepages but not as nice, and a lot of it's about obscure music tastes and accumulating millions of obscure bands as your "friends"Eddycation, Edukashun, Education
I'm doing Politics at the University of the West of England at the moment.Organised communities stop hyperspace bypasses
I do a lot of things in my local community, the area of Knowle West in Bristol. I'm a board member at the local development trust and the chair of the management committee of the youth forum. In the last couple of years I've discovered that Vogons work for Bristol City Council, as some of them seem to want to shut us down for no good reason at the moment, and have completely overcomplicated a situation that is really quite simple.I also sit on the management committee of The South Bristol Urban 2 Programme, which gives European money to deserving youth-orientated projects in south Bristol. One of our biggest projects which we really hope it can get all of it's money is the Archimedia Project, which hopes to build a brand new media centre for the area, all with the help of young people in the design. Also, on the front page of the website there is a horribly ugly picture of me before I discovered how to tie my hair back!
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Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Jan 30, 2017 |
Hello David | Apr 28, 2006 |
Your entry has been submitted to 'Peer Review' | Dec 13, 2004 |
[no subject] | Feb 24, 2004 |
Visit from your ACE!... | Feb 22, 2004 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."