Simply magnanimous
In front of me i have a dictionary, and according to it magnamimous meand generous and forgiving especially towards a defeated enemy. And though that in no way describes me, i'm gonna use it anyway, cause it's a brilliant word, one of my favourites. For the same reasons i'm a magnanimous miscreant. Actually if you haven't worked it out the word for me is an idiot.
Has anyone ever asked you that most annoying of annoying qustions, well the second most annoying of annoying qustions ,(the first being "Why?"),Describe yourself in 3 words, now i think about it is not a question, but a command, still annoying though. I mean it's up there with if you were a tree what tree would you be? and everybody says the same things, friendly, confident and think about the last one for two hours before coming out with enthusiastic. At least the tree question though totally pointless is interestingly eccentric and you like the person for coming up with such a load of crap. Or you may not you might just think that the are bloody annoying to come up with such a load of useless...kallaffle, just like you're feeling towards me at this very time, if anyones still reading which i doubt sincerly. I mean come on anyone whos stupid enough to be reading this... good job emma, yep insult the very non-existant people giving you a chance by reading what must be the driest piece rubbish ever to have graced the history of writing. Well if you are reading this i say thankyou, thankyou indeed.
I think i'm gonna cry, you are the nicest person ever. i mean there is nill chance that i'll have read your intro or what ever this is. Goodbye, au revoir and thankyou.
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Greetings from your ACE! | Feb 16, 2004 |
Hello, bonjour, you're wlecom, and... | Feb 11, 2004 |
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Petty Hates | Dec 13, 2004 | 5 Weeks Ago |
smokey bacon crisps | No Posting | May 16, 2006 |
the second one??? | No Posting | Jan 31, 2005 |
The fourth one down... | No Posting | Jan 23, 2005 |
Send your questions to the movie's Director and Producer | No Posting | Jan 14, 2005 |
Researcher U573524
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