This is the Message Centre for emma239

Hello, bonjour, you're wlecom, and...

Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

... well, something witty. Except you'll just have to imagine that bit for now.

Hi there! I just saw your post in the Friends thingy, and thought I'd pop over and say, well, that. smiley - smiley

Don't bother reading my stuff. I appreciate your honesty in getting that right out in the open without any messing about. Most of it's nonsense and it's full of links that could send you flying off to who knows where. Although, if you do find yourself desperately bored, the Tibetan Greenhouse Dugout might be worth knocking a few pots over in.

JTG smiley - cheers

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Hello, bonjour, you're wlecom, and...

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