Journal Entries
I'm off!
Posted Nov 15, 2002
(20021511 0824GMT)
Right, I'm off to Blackpool for the weekend, behave yourselves everyone!
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Latest reply: Nov 15, 2002
Happy Samhain!
Posted Oct 31, 2002
(20021031 0044GMT)
To anyone following a Pagan faith which celebrates Samhain - happy Samhain.
To everyone else - happy Samhain!
You can still enjoy yourself even if it's not a religious festival for you. And I'm sure a lot of people will, coinciding as it does with Halloween. Go forth and make merry! Winter's coming
Unless you're in the southern hemisphere, in which case - happy Beltane!
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Latest reply: Oct 31, 2002
Must... not... succumb... to... violence...
Posted Oct 18, 2002
(20021018 1502BST)
One of my most frequently-visited websites has had its forum hacked to pieces today by some probably lame people who think they're cool and that what they do is fun. I am seriously unimpressed.
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Latest reply: Oct 18, 2002
Posted Oct 10, 2002
(20021010 0102BST)
We got linked to from a forum post on today. Unfortunately the page that they linked to didn't impress them very much (it's fairly inaccurate on the subject of Wicca and Witchcraft), and they seemed to think it was the BBC's opinion.
I told them otherwise, of course, although I doubt they'll be happy about the content even with that. Why should they be, if it's wrong? Which it does appear to be.
Should go to bed now.
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Latest reply: Oct 10, 2002
Gibbering Thingys!
Posted Aug 23, 2002
(20020823 2132BST)
I just found out that my Edited Entry on the Special Constabulary is linked to from the BBC Crime - Crime Fighters page on the Special Constabulary. Is that good or what? Proof I suppose that h2g2's being put to good use by the BBC, which is reassuring to say the least.
Plus it's one of my Entries -
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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2002
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