Journal Entries


Well on Sunday 24th September 2000 I go to Nottingham University...
*scream scream scream*

I'm actually looking forward to it, but that doesn't stop me being nervous.

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Latest reply: Sep 19, 2000

The removal of Wisdom teeth

This is something I experienced yesterday - three teeth were stolen from my mouth whilst I was asleep. Now I've got stiches in my gums and have to eat really slowly, something I'm definitely not happy about. I'm told I should be fine in about a week, but that remains to be seen.

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Latest reply: Aug 8, 2000

The International Baccalaureate

I was happy to receive my IB results, which turned out rather nicely:
Higher Maths: 6
Higher Biology: 6
Higher Chemistry: 6
Standard English A1: 5
Standard German B: 5
Standard History: 7
Bonus: 1
Overall: 36

Where a 7 is the highest grade possible. Not bad, huh? Thus I'm going to Nottingham to study Computer Science. Watch out everyone in Nottingham!

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Latest reply: Jul 29, 2000

Exams all done! Now for the decorating.

I finished my IB exams - so good!
Now I'm repainting my bedroom, changing it from a boring, tired shade of pale green to a lovely, rich colour called Moroccan Red. I'll keep you updated when it's done!

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Latest reply: May 20, 2000

The Real-Life Birthday Party

Since Pastey's done a write-up of it I suppose I should say a few words. They are: Pastey's write-up is at although perhaps not for long. More pictures are promised! My pictures are still in the camera and are likely to remain there for the next few months so don't hold your breath.
On other things, tomorrow I take my last ever IB exams! Yippee!

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Latest reply: May 16, 2000

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