Journal Entries


Woohoo! Less than 24 hours to go!

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Latest reply: Nov 24, 2000

The joy of life in Halls

2:20AM, Friday 17th November 2000
Fire alarm goes off. Not an organised fire drill, rather a false alarm. What caused it? Who knows, but if it was someone being stupid they are going to get lynched. I'm sure of it. Possibly by me. Now I can't sleep.

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Latest reply: Nov 17, 2000

Catharsis extreme

I just finished Winter's Heart, the ninth book of Robert Jordan's excellent series, The Wheel of Time.

I won't say what happens, but Jordan certainly seems to know about catharsis.

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Latest reply: Nov 11, 2000


I finally got my XFree86 configuration sorted out - Linux in lovely 1024x768 at long last!

I'm a bit giddy about that. Unsurprisingly enough smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Nov 6, 2000

An Anniversary

Today (5th November 2000) is the first anniversary of me passing my driving test. It was the second attempt, and went very well indeed.

I just thought I'd immortalise this day for all to see.

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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2000

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