Ramblings and weirdness (my specialties!)

Hmm. . . . greetings, all you beings assumed to be sentient (or somewhere near there). I am Galsan Blit, aka Ford Prefect, Collzort, Leenie, Colonel Kira Nerys, Scully-Wully, yaddy yadda. Yadda. Yoda. Yoda yadda! hehe. . . . I am a Canadian who lives in the Honey Processing Capital of Canada, which is north of california and south of the north pole, east of west and west of europe, for the geographically declined. Will I tell you where I live, as in actual name of town or street or even *shudder* phone number? Well, let's ask this question: Do I really want dome deluded psycopath on my door step or the other end of the line or something, come to kill me or worse? Well, the answer to that is no. So Canada is all yer gonna get. But, I WILL tell you of my my ever-so-omnipresent websites. First off, my HHG site, Inconspicuously Conspicuous where I have some fanfic, little cartoons and other blarglenarf. The Second is my Personal/Star Trek/X-Files/Star Wars/Stargate SG:1/Strange/Amusing page, The Page of Undeniable Weirdness. Well, that's about all for this part, oh no wait it isn't. I am female, like any kind of visual art (from animated wonders such as The Simpsons to VERY alternative installation art to murals to Van Gough), anything to do with acting, drama, improv, and musical theatre, writing, playing the guitar, singing, jumping upstream in gutters with my friends late at night shouting, "I'm a salmon!!!! I'm a salmon!!!!", The HHG, Star Trek, Star Wars, The X-Files, Stargate SG:1 (the show not the movie), The Neverhood, et all. I am a self-proclaimed weirdo and nerd. I also like Monty Python. . . . "Ask me if I'm a tree." "Are you a tree?" "NO"


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Ford Prefect

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