Journal Entries

I'm sorry, hep cats.

Ooh, all that stuff about Basingstoke was perhaps a little harsh. But, hecky, if you lived here you'd be kinda' miserable too. You would, you know. Yes, even you. But, then at the same time, I don't want to come across as some kind of awful Bill Grundy figure scared of change. Come on, I'm only 22...and so spritely you'd think I had a fistful of ginger shoved up my arse. My main point was that the Town Council do us no favours and our local MP ( who should probably remain nameless ) seems happy enough to gorge himself on burgers at young Consevative Barbeques and appear once a year in the local paper holding a really big cheque or else paranoid someones going to kill him. The worries of the world on his shoulders and a pair of thick, two-tone glasses strapped to his face.

Blimey, here I go again. Well, it's just so hard, y'know?

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Latest reply: Aug 25, 1999

Oakley. Nr. Basingstoke.

Nearby Basingstoke offshoot villiage, Oakley isn't that great either. Contuary to what might be (but probably is not) popular belief.

Writing a journal seems a fruitless exercise and would surely only document just how dull my life is presently. My only joy is watching the comedies of top 1986 box office draw & wisecracking hair hero Steve Guttenberg. And, anyway, I can't spell.

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Latest reply: Aug 24, 1999

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