Basingstoke: Introduction

Well, when I'm not combing my hair in a fonzy-style toilet office or relaxing in velour apolstered Las Vegas night spots whilst wearing driving gloves, you'll find resident in my hellish Parent-maintained town house. Situated in a London spill-out cusp near Reading - it's a place heavy on roundabouts, asphalt and the colour grey, where speaking in words rather than gestures is considered unnervingly cosmopolitan. A town where most are married to keep it in the family and where local bus station pigeons are not only an enjoyable cuisine but also, in some places, a form of legal tender. 12,000 stunned birds is exactly equivalent to a pack of Rothman supers, I believe. Basingstoke town centre is presently in the midst of being reinvented. In the next century it will no doubt be a cultural fat wallet - the Paris of the South, anyone? Basingstoke town planners have plans to open an as yet unnamed Automobile Museum. The combined weight of that and the ungainly metal ballet dancer statue outside the theatre, should keep this afloat whilst there is floundering all around. In in addition to these wonders, there are some other fabulous art-based ventures which could be well worth pondering. The Basingstoke mural which stands at an impressive ten feet high and reports to show the busy face of work-a-day Basingstoke is a salut to the cheap suited business types that ravage the town, p**s in doorways, own cell-phones and cover themselves in the kind of expensive shirts you couldn't shout over. Inscribed next to the mural is the only sensible piece of graffiti in the whole town. It says, simply, presisely: If you can relate to this you're already dead. The town centre of the place is hidden under the shadow of a an enormous carved, marble penis which, one can only suppose, is there in order to the town some kind of radical 'talked about' chic. I guess, since I've mentioned it, that this plan has worked. Basingstoke also offers many a graveyard or park, wherein dog turd and pissed up children come pretty much as standard. All in all, a good learning ground for all the evils of the World. Well, heres looking at you, kidda'. Possible place of interest is the train station. Enjoy...


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Esau Smith

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