This is the Message Centre for Esau Smith

The question is...

Post 1


Are you the same Johnny Cigarettes who writes for a certain music paper, or have you just got the same name.

Oh and a little tip, to make line breaks on your user page type between your paragraphs. It'll make it slightly easier to read. smiley - winkeye

Have fun. smiley - fish

No question at all...

Post 2

Esau Smith

Odd man.

What a strange thing to say...My name is Esau Smith and I'm only young...Cigarettes is an old man.

Hope you're happy with that answer.

All the best..

No question at all...

Post 3


Well if you will change your nickname smiley - winkeye

Blimey that was quick...

Post 4

Esau Smith

Well, I'm annoying like that.

Slippery like an eel.

Good day, Sir...

Blimey that was quick...

Post 5


What was quick smiley - winkeye

Blimey that was also very quick...

Post 6

Esau Smith

Very fast responses....A man with itchy trigger fingers.

Nothing exciting.

If you'll excuse me, I can hear the ice cream man.

Not this time...

Post 7


A little slower today smiley - winkeye


Post 8

Esau Smith


You're clearly a bright man: riddle me this, what came first the first series of Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy (radio version, obviously....) or Kenny Everett's lame comedy Science fiction radio show 'The Adventures of Captain Kremen'?

And, if that doesn't stump you, maybe you could tell me where I could get a decent job. I didn't used to think about things like this, I'm sure.

I'm beginning to worry. I have to leave - I feel unusual.


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