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Researcher 538645 Posted Feb 20, 2004
Don't you think it might be closer to say you've never woken up during one?
Sunday is some serious sleeping
tanzen Posted Feb 20, 2004
Sleeping through a hangover, it's the only way to fly !
The weekends were created for sleeping...that's why they call Sunday "the day of rest" ! I harldy get a chance to sleep during the week, so Saturday and Sunday are devoted to it...well, as long as the sun's up, anyway...
Researcher 538645 Posted Feb 20, 2004
Saturday is for resting from the week and Sunday afternoon is for trying to forget that Monday is close.
Researcher 538645 Posted Feb 20, 2004
We're having dinner with some friends and then going ten Pin bowling (which I haven't done since I was 10 or 11 so it should be interesting)
Bye 'till monday or they repair my weather damaged phone line.
tanzen Posted Feb 20, 2004
Sounds like a blast !
We keep making plans to go bowling here...(my mates and I, that is )...but it's never "ten pin bowling"'s always "drunken bowling"
(I think I may have a problem...)
Anyways, have a sterling weekend, good luck at the bowling alley, and have a for me!
Researcher 538645 Posted Feb 22, 2004
Bowling was good, I was bad but it was fun.
How was your weekend?
tanzen Posted Feb 23, 2004
Life is too short to stick to doing things we're good at...we should really spend more time doing things we like doing as well...if I only ever did things I did well...I'd probably just sleep all the time...
...actually, as an insomniac, I couldn't even say that I sleep well...!
The weekend was absolutely on Irish Black Russians on Friday night and all the gang was out on Saturday (including two of my sisters
) so it was on for young and old
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