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tanzen Posted Feb 11, 2004
I know what you're saying, I work for about 100 of them...'s ok...I was napolean in a past life...and I'm paying for it now...
Researcher 538645 Posted Feb 11, 2004
Hmmm I wonder what Howard, Blair and Bush will be in their next lives?
There is at least drama at the moment with some teacher's hating each other while being publicly civil. Since I'm not a teacher I get to hear what they think of each other.
tanzen Posted Feb 11, 2004
Howard will probably be a fly...he's just lived too long this time around...
It sounds wonderful at your job ....I just work in admin, so they all pretty much all ignore me
...(it suits me fine though, I'm here to do a job, not socialise with teachers...)
Hmmm....I'm feeling a little anit-social this morning for some reason......oh well...all things must pass....
So, how goes it in sunny NZ ?
Researcher 538645 Posted Feb 12, 2004
I'm having trouble remembering the last time I slept before midnight so I understand your feeling anti-social.
Here's in the north we're still getting rain but dammit it's still warm and I hate the combination.
you can't be the cliche admin person because every one of them I know send rude email jokes or play solataire. Hootoo would probably be too much for them
tanzen Posted Feb 12, 2004
Aye, I also suffer from the dreaded insomnia, so midnight is still early days for me most of the time ...
...I know what you mean about the weather...I'd rather the weather just be hot or be cold (personally, I'd prefer the cold, but even when it's just plain hot you can prepare for and deal with it!)
Oh I am the's just this is more fun than solitaire...I get to fight when one person and then organise a wedding with another person in the same ten minutes !
Researcher 538645 Posted Feb 12, 2004
G.G.N. Global Gossip Network
I perfer the cold as it's something I can deal with and do something about. Ahhh cool and dry would ne nice about now
Friday tomorrow and then the blissful 'morning sleep'
tanzen Posted Feb 12, 2004
I definitely prefer the cold...then you can were big coats, drink lots of and
everyone you see "too keep warm"
It's not just Friday tomorrow, it's Black Friday !
I will be at Staff Seminar tomorrow...which means I'll be stuck in a room with about 300 teachers ...but at least it's a free bar...
Researcher 538645 Posted Feb 12, 2004
300 , you poor woman.
Black Friday, oh cr@p that would explain being lucky lately. Fate must be saving up something.
tanzen Posted Feb 12, 2004
Thank you for your sympathy ...
...I'm looking forward to Black Friday...but then, with the way my life is day to day, I think that bad luck will be better than what I've been dealing with lately !
Researcher 538645 Posted Feb 17, 2004
Black Friday was unenentful but busy. This Monday is shaping up to be cr@p though.
tanzen Posted Feb 17, 2004
Hey, you know I had to think about it...
I was sitting back here going "Is it Monday? Man, it coud be Monday!" !!
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- 46: Researcher 538645 (Feb 12, 2004)
- 47: tanzen (Feb 12, 2004)
- 48: Researcher 538645 (Feb 12, 2004)
- 49: tanzen (Feb 12, 2004)
- 50: Researcher 538645 (Feb 12, 2004)
- 51: tanzen (Feb 12, 2004)
- 52: tanzen (Feb 17, 2004)
- 53: Researcher 538645 (Feb 17, 2004)
- 54: tanzen (Feb 17, 2004)
- 55: Researcher 538645 (Feb 17, 2004)
- 56: tanzen (Feb 17, 2004)
- 57: Researcher 538645 (Feb 17, 2004)
- 58: tanzen (Feb 17, 2004)
- 59: Researcher 538645 (Feb 17, 2004)
- 60: tanzen (Feb 17, 2004)
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