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Here is where I work on my poem for katkodl

They say that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

smiley - flustered

I think I need a smiley - towel

For a long time, rhyming was considered not cool, but I think it's okay to rhyme now, thank goodness. smiley - ok That I can do. Plus, German "d's" can sound like "t's" (gesundheit), so that would give me more possibilities for rhyming with "katkodl." (total, coat'll, epizotal, hotel, etc.)

asphodel is some kind of flower, isn't it? (smiley - run to check>

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Latest reply: Nov 19, 2005

Setting out the Christmas china

How did the Christmas season come around so fast? smiley - huh

Just two more days, and I'll have to get the Christmas china out of the boxes where it has slept for lo these many months. Let's see, there's a tartan plaid pattern, and a Friendly Village pattern with a cozy living room (complete with Christmas tree, and hearth and fire and wreath and candles) in the center. Then there's the Lenox pattern
with the cardinals and chickadees frolicking around. There's a
Victorian Christmas pattern. There's Pfaltzgraff's Royal Holiday.
There's a Mikasa pattern with lots of holly. Plus a few others. smiley - erm

Actually, I cheat. I sample a few of these patterns at regular inter-
vals throughout the year. smiley - blush

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Latest reply: Nov 26, 2003

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Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error

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