This is a Journal entry by Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error

Here is where I work on my poem for katkodl

Post 1

Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error

They say that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

smiley - flustered

I think I need a smiley - towel

For a long time, rhyming was considered not cool, but I think it's okay to rhyme now, thank goodness. smiley - ok That I can do. Plus, German "d's" can sound like "t's" (gesundheit), so that would give me more possibilities for rhyming with "katkodl." (total, coat'll, epizotal, hotel, etc.)

asphodel is some kind of flower, isn't it? (smiley - run to check>

Here is where I work on my poem for katkodl

Post 2

Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error


Botanical: Asphodelus Ramosus
Family: N.O. Liliaceae

Description---The plant is about 3 feet high, with large, white, terminal flowers, and radical, long, numerous leaves. It is only cultivated in botanical and ornamental gardens, though it easily grows from seeds or division of roots. The roots must be gathered at the end of the first year.

The name is derived from a Greek word meaning sceptre.

The roots, dried and boiled in water, yield a mucilaginous matter that in some countries is mixed with grain or potato to make Asphodel bread. In Spain and other countries they are used as cattle fodder, especially for sheep."

So far, so good. smiley - ok

I need a coffee break. smiley - run

Here is where I work on my poem for katkodl

Post 3

Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error

She walks in beauty like the day,
Her hair adorned with white asphodel,
Bringing warmest winds of May.
Bluebirds circle fair katkodl.

Here is where I work on my poem for katkodl

Post 4

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Looks good so far. smiley - ok

Talk about her eyes, limpid like the crystal waters of the pool where the gurgling brook pauses for rest.

Here is where I work on my poem for katkodl

Post 5

Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error

On the mossy bank she kneels,
Peering at the wat'ry rings
As they frame her face with wheels.
From a branch a blackbird sings

smiley - biggrin

Here is where I work on my poem for katkodl

Post 6


Perspiration? smiley - erm Here’s a smiley - towel for you! smiley - ok

Yes, I agree, asphodel seems to be a flower… at least that’s what google image search suggests. smiley - winkeye In case you'll stumble over a recipe for asphodel bread please let me know… If the flower tastes as pretty as it looks I should really try that bread. smiley - drool

I wasn’t aware that there are so many pretty words that (almost) rhyme with my name. smiley - blush
Those bluebirds stuck in my hair look really lovely by the way... I think I’ll keep them!

I’ve analyzed the meter... we have a fine mixture of iambs in the first two lines, followed by trochees in the third and forth line... And then really pretty trochees in line 5-8… Not bad! smiley - ok This guy has rhythm! smiley - musicalnotesmiley - somersault

smiley - smooch

smiley - blackcat

Here is where I work on my poem for katkodl

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Maybe I can help by finding him an herb that helps ease writer's block. Maybe Aunt Matilda would know.

Here is where I work on my poem for katkodl

Post 8

Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error

I've been busy with errands most of the day, smiley - erm Even typos have errands to run. smiley - doh

I was thinking of finishing with twilight, with katkodl sitting beneath a friendly old weeping willow, while fireflies twinkle all around her. In the distance can be heard the music of a colony of smiley - fairysmiley - fairy or, perhaps gypsies. I haven't decided which yet. smiley - huh

Here is where I work on my poem for katkodl

Post 9

Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error

Here's the last verse, what it's worth smiley - erm:

At dusk the sparkling stars do wink.
The shelt'ring oak must guard her so d'lightful;
round her fireflies blink.
Fair by day and night: katkodl.

<Goes to coach for some smiley - zzz

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