This is the Message Centre for Websailor

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3621


Hi, Nigel, the bee CCD is worrying indeed. Our bee friend at your allotment was chatting about it to me some time after I wrote that article. It seems it is in our area too. You will notice the lack of bees in the summer if you listen. We used to hear a gentle humming sound in the summer, especially in the garden or on allotments, but I haven heard them for a while.

I think it is up to all of us to try and do something in our gardens to help.

I hope Ginger deposits her litter on her humans and not on us!!

smiley - bleep Fireworks smiley - doh 7.40pm and right at the back of us.

Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3622


Mon. 25th Feb. 08

Weather: Totally unexpected frost, and it has gone bitterly cold again smiley - brr just as it felt as if Spring was in the air at last smiley - doh

smiley - yikes 4.40am Two foxes were prowling around the garden and had the table over. They stayed for a while but didn’t touch the badger dish. PHM commented that we haven’t heard them calling in January and February like we used to. A blood curdling sound it is too smiley - weird. perhaps there are not enough of them around to make a dating service worthwhile smiley - smiley

Nine blackbirds were waiting for me this morning at 6.45am, three blue smiley - tits were waiting for biscuit crumbs and the robin was on the fence for his cheese. I wanted to go back to bed but they looked so pathetic, and it was so cold, I wrapped in in several layers and did my duty.

About twenty starlings came screaming in about 7.30am followed by several wood pigeons, three squirrels, a collared dove, 2 dunnocks, three great tits, 2 bullfinches, 4 long tailed tits and some chaffinches. None of them stayed long, it was too cold. The female woodpecker popped in at 11.10am.

Food out (just in case). Off to have smiley - tea and smiley - cake and a warm. Think I have caught PHM’s cold smiley - grr

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3623


Afternoon all!

WS - I have only just seen your comment on Flickr about the cat on the bird table - that is the infamous Harry; currently fast a bye byes in his bed after a very hard morning.

Nigel - If I'd had the good sense to look at the back of the purple plant, I would have found the label which tells me immediately and clearly that it is a Leucothosmiley - biggrin

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3624

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Ello Sailor,

For all those interested in bees these guys at Stirling University are doing lots of good work:

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3625


That looks brilliant WA - I'll go study it in more detail later. WS will be thrilled when she sees that.smiley - biggrinsmiley - applause

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3626

Nigel *ACE*

Good Evening All smiley - ok,

Websailer won't be on tonight because she has a very bad cold and feeling smiley - ill.

I never went round today because I don't want to catch it smiley - sadface.

Just thought I would let you know.

Take care.

Nigel smiley - hug

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3627


Get well soon, Websailor smiley - hug (I reckon a smiley - hug is safe at this distance smiley - winkeye)


My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3628


Thank you Nigel - it's good to know (not that WS is ill of course; but that we are aware of why she is not around so do not wonder why!)

You can't afford to be ill WS - you are far too important. Get PHM to wait on you hand and foot.

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3629


<<<You can't afford to be ill WS - you are far too important. Get PHM to wait on you hand and foot.>>>

I am not sure which made me laugh most smiley - laugh Thanks Scorp.

Still not feeling good, headache and upset tum as well as a cold, and couldn't face the computer! Have to try and carry on though. No sympathy from PHM but I think I would rather just have peace and quiet!

I will try and come back on tonight, but I will get such a telling off if I go on the computer when i haven't done my chores!!!!

Thanks for good wishes - all smiley - hug gratefully received smiley - smiley

Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3630


Awww...hope you soon feel much better WS...we all miss you .
You stay in bed....never mind the choressmiley - hug

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3631


Thanks all,

Tue. 26th and Wed. 27th Feb. 08

Weather: Nice both days. Sunny, breezy.

‘Fraid I didn’t see anything much on Tuesday, the dreaded lurgy got me and I barely stirred from my bed. Some time during the previous night the table was tipped over and the dish opened. Half the food had gone and the birds and squirrels demolished the rest in the morning. I can’t say for sure, but I think it might have been brock and there was no scent of fox Wednesday morning, and believe me it usually lingers! smiley - yuk

The birds seemed to find plenty hidden away, the feeder levels went down a good three inches and both tables were empty at the end of the day.


Didn't hear/feel the earthquake but g

ot up early feeling very guilty that I didn’t feed the birds yesterday. the blackbirds, all eight of them, were looking a bit desperate so I fed them all as quickly as I could,and they were down in no time. Two robins were seen by PHM, and six blue smiley - tits, as I was otherwise engaged. Only a couple of starlings came, and couldn’t find a way in to the peanut cake. Must sort that out tomorrow and put peanuts in the feeders as they are empty. One great tit, two dunnocks, two collared doves, two bullfinches, four long tailed tits, two magpies and one nuthatch visited frequently. Three squirrels and eight wood pigeons cleared up at the bottom of the garden before bouncing up and disturbing the little birdssmiley - grr . Ginger smiley - devil showed his face, and I showed him a glass of cold water and that was that smiley - rofl

smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starReturn of the mistle thrush who stayed a good ten minutes and once again seemed really hungry. Strange he/she is alone though, I thought they always travelled in groups.

Going for a nice smiley - tea and feet up. I have pushed myself today and it is catching up with me, poor old smiley - seniorsmiley - tongueincheek

smiley - ta to Nigel for coming round and sorting out this silly old smiley - bat’s computer problems smiley - biggrin I don’t know what we would do without the young ones.

Just heard a Tawny owl . So looking forward to having windows open again.

Have a good night/day as the case may be smiley - hug

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3632


Thank you WS! I hope you continue to improve.

Some months ago, we bought a red berried firethorn (pyracantha) purely for the birds (they apparently don't like the yellow ones). During the past cold week, the blackbirds have been decimating it - well that's what it's for - today, although it is warmer, Mr blackbird was actually clinging on to the trellis half way up to reach what was left at the top. It's to be hoped that it produces fruit again next year!

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3633

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I agree with you Webbiesmiley - winkeyemy dad was the same with mam, she could be on her deathbed and he's still want his breakfast/dinner and tea on time, he never made her a cuppa and said sit down for 5 mins, or anything else if it come to thatsmiley - sadface

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3634


Isn't it strange how different parents are/were? My Dad was a miner for over 50 years; so not a softie by any means. He helped with the shopping, could cook a dinner as well as Mum and was also a dab hand at making bread. The only thing he drew the line at was the ironing,smiley - biggrin

Sorry WS! Nothing to do with the thread at all - humble apologies.smiley - grovel

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3635

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

now you've said the vampire wordsmiley - laughonly the kids use the ironing board etc - I never have or willsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3636


I'm glad you're on the mend, Websailor smiley - smiley

It's a well-known fact that men are always twice as ill as women and require at least five times as much tea and sympathy.

The word 'pathetic' springs to mind smiley - tongueout

I didn't know mistle thrushes aren't solitary birds. I used to have a pair in my garden in Scotland, but never saw a group of them smiley - erm

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3637


Evening WS et al!

WS - questions about raisins: you say that you soak them - a) in what and why? b) are they the supermarket packaged sort? c) do you chop them up into smaller pieces first? d) would sultanas do just as well?

As the wind has died down now, I have replaced the bird table and filled it with seeds and apples and robin mix 'scrumpled' digestive biscuits etc., I have supermarket sultanas in the cupboard and wondered if it would be any good and how I should 'present it'

Mr Harry person blotted his copy book this morning and had a smacked bum!! He was out and about and I was peeping around the kitchen door at a jenny wren in the hawthorn hedge; when I heard the loud tinkling of his lordships bells and just saw him stalking the bird. I ran outside shouting an extremely loud rendition of the magic word; which he does not like (NOOOOOOOOOOOO) He stopped briefly and then carried on as if I was not there - no way matey - I grabbed him and gave him a light tap on the hind quarters; which he thought was a bloody liberty - then he ran into the kitchen and sulked in his bed for the next two hours.

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3638


Frenchbean, I always understood you were likely to see groups of them in trees, but I will check my facts and get back to you, then we will both learn something. smiley - smiley


Scorp, I buy big bags of raisins, sultanas as well from my bird food supplier. I haven't worked it out but I think they would work out cheaper in bulk. I fill a screw top jam jar with raisins then top up with hot water and the next day there is enough for about three feeds for either blackbirds etc. or the badgers.

I soak them because if the birds drink water the fruit swells up inside them and could cause a problem, especially seeing how many they eat in one go!smiley - rofl They definitely prefer them that way - perhaps they think they are getting more. A handful on the ground wherever they like to feed will keep them happy but you will soon find they come looking for the source of the goodies smiley - biggrin and they are very insistent smiley - smiley

BE CAREFUL though Scorp, I just remembered that said bird food supplier says raisins and sultanas can cause kidney problems or something similar for cats who also like them. Perhaps it would be better to put them on a high bird table.

Do you think Harry will have learnt his lesson or will it all be forgotten the next time a bird appears in his sights?

Back in a bit,

Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3639


Thanks WS! I'm sure Harry has only learned that he does not like his bum smacked. It will not have registered as to why it occurred (is that the right spelling?) and I shall have to keep a weather eye open for future happenings.

Should I cut up the raisins/sultanas (I'll put them on the bird table)

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 3640


Spelling? oh, bum you mean! smiley - run Occurred - well my computer doesn't give it the smiley - nahnah so I guess it must be smiley - oksmiley - rofl

No need to chop raisins or sultanas, unless you want to give the little birds more chance. It is probably more economical, since my bird food has leapt in price smiley - doh

Thu. 28th Feb. 08

Weather: Nice and sunny and breezy

I have now developed a smiley - bleep cough smiley - grr. Clearing out old computer equipment is a dusty job, but oh, the space smiley - biggrin - now what can I fill it with smiley - rofl

10.10pm last night and the table was over but the dish was untouched.. 2.15am dish opened and at least half the food had gone. Badger smiley - huh I am not sure. It might have been foxes but there was no scent this morning!! smiley - yuk

Six blackbirds only this morning, I wonder if they are pairing up, in which case most of them will be moving on, with the occasional visit to top up their rations smiley - smiley The birds and the squirrels finished off the remains of the badger food, and I found a big hole among my bulbs smiley - wah It wasn’t badger, but squirrels I think. My own fault because I didn’t put any peanuts out and they were looking for buried ones!

A robin, a nuthatch, a pied wagtail a dunnock and smiley - starsmiley - star a greenfinch honoured us today. It was lovely to see one, but I would have been happier if there had been more.
Two bullfinches, three chaffinches and four long tailed tits arrived about the same time. Three magpies, seven wood pigeons and seven starlings landed soon after, but I was pleased to see the little birds getting a share before being chased off smiley - yikes

Ginger smiley - devil and his ‘twin’ the fat one visited, but Mrs. GD looks pretty close to producing.

Cat people - how long is a smiley - cat’s pregnancy? This one seems to be taking an age smiley - rofl

Off to gargle and take a tablet, croak to you tomorrow, smiley - tongueincheek I hope!!

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

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