Grizzle and Blart have arrived!

I'm Grizzle, she's Blart. We are Menopausal Maidens who have finally realised that we have a duty to the world to inform you all of ....

How to get from B to A.

We did it sidewaysmusicalnote


And subliminally.

Our journey will feature many of the events you would expect from a decent Hollywood movie, but , hey's all true!

Names & willy sizes have been changed to protect the innocent. The guilty however, may be named & shamed; let them quiver in fear.evilgrin

So: what are you going to get? The memoirs of Grizzle will include:

A: Angoulême, Africa
B: Birth, Birmingham
C: Copulation, crocodiles
D: Death, drugs
E: Earthquakes, evacuation
F: Fornication, floods
G: Greece, goats
H: Hostages, hospitals
I: Invasions, incontinence
J: Joy, jealousy
K: Knees, kangaroos
L: Love, lust
M: Middle East, mental illness
N: Neurosis, nutters
O: Orgasms, O levels
P: Pakistan, plagues
Q: Qatar, quacks
R: Rock stars,rebellion
S: Sex, stupidity
T: Truths, toasted teacakes
U: Untruths, UB40
V: Virginity, varicose veins
W: War, wine
X: XRays, xenophobia
Y: Youth, Yoda
Z: Zebras, Zambia.

Blart doesn't like being rushed, which just shows how different we are. Hold your breaths,fold your arms & cross your legs; her list is worth waiting for!yikes

Right, that should get you hooked.

Two Brummie women, both in Angoulême, how *did* we get from B to A?


Are you sitting comfortably..then I'll begin.
Blart's alphabet.

N.B. I have a mildly dyslexic compoota, so spelling mestakes are mine but no doubt little miss grizzle will be along shortly to sort 'em out.

A: All Expenses Paid, Australia.
B: Biba, Brownies.
C: Colette, committment.
D: DNA, dogpoo.
E: E.T. Elmo.
F: Forbidden, Fahrenheit 451.
G: Guggenheim, gender.
H: House, heroine.
I: Injustice, incontinence.
J: Juvenile, jokes.
K: Khamaileon, koala.
L: Louise, lactose.
M: Moles, monologues.
N: Nausea, Norbert.
O: Oral, optomist.
P: Paraguay, piano.
Q: Quintisential, quorum.
R: Religions, Richards.
S: Stem cells, Shelf Life.
T: Tears, tents.
U: Ullysees, underwired.
V: Vulnerable, vixen.
W: Wait for Me, woogle.
X: X-rated, xcitble.
Y: Yacht, Yom Kippur.
Z: Zola, Zidane.

Well, that's all for now folks. It's getting weally, weally late..over and out.



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