This is the Message Centre for Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.
Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. Started conversation Aug 16, 2004
My hair is blue.
I am too.
Heehee! My bath looks like a pack of smurfs exploded in it.
Sigh. I should be doing my assignment. Can you tell I don't want to?
Ah buggerit.
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Aug 16, 2004
eeekk! i used to watch the smurfs! thats terrible!
do you suppose that the're blue on teh inside too?
is your hair really blue? thats neat... i'd die my hair blue but i prefer my dark brown. and i'd probably and up doing it wrong or looking stupid...
dont want to do your assignment huh? well i sympathise completely/i hate doing homework. have you ever tried telling yourself you cant go on h2g2 untill you've finished it? or pick something that you like to do... for me its h2g2. but that sometimes works for me. and others i cant concentrate and i rush and do a bad job. on days like that i sould really avoid the reward method...
Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. Posted Aug 16, 2004
Yes, I think they are blue on the inside. What do you think they make that blue powerade drink out of?
I dyed my hair for a party last saturday, but I was in a rush and didn't leave it in long enough, so nobody noticed. So I tried again on tuesday last week, left it in for three hours and it /still/ wouldn't stick! It's noticable now, although it just looks light green.
It was the first time I'd dyed my own hair, and only because nobody else will do it for me, and it's too cold to shave it all off. I don't like my natural hair, it's sort of just messy blond. I used to have really long hair, down to the small of my back, and bleached atomic white, but I cut that off after I broke up with Lauren three years ago. And dyed the rest black. And then purple. And then red...
It depends on the assignment as to whether I go on H2G2 before or after it. While I'm coding I like to clear my e-mails first, then LJ posts, and then the H2G2 posts. That way I can stay logged in to hootoo while I code on another desktop, and check replies every now and then when I need to take a quick break.
I see you're logged in now... late night, huh?
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Aug 17, 2004
blue poweraid!!!1 i may never drink that again now! no just kidding... if anything i'll dronk it more because it'll bake me laugh
poor you. if you can get it really blue thats a really cool color. i unfortunately have no hair dye stories... or is that fortunately? after watching my mom screw up her hair i decided it wasnt a good i dea. she sat on the couch laughing wiht me saying wouldnt it be funny if her hair was turning green under the towel. and it almost was it ended up a brassy kind of color. so i decided not to make that mistake...
whats LJ?
coding homework? what exactly are you studying? and whats all this i hear about chainmail? i keep reading little snaches in your journals but i'm still not too sure what you're doing.... is it like something you sell, or a hobby?
a late night? not quite yet but it will be. its only about 7:45 pm here and i'm about to have dinner. i've just finished a very dissapionting guide entry. it made me quite mad! i took all this trouble to draw a diagram using ___ and ||| for walls and such and in the end it smushed it all together and it didnt work. quite a wasts of time. if you know how to fix that i'd be much obliged.
Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. Posted Aug 17, 2004
The second time I shaved my head the electric shaver broke halfway through... I wasn't quite sure what to do for ages. I was tempted to march down to the store with half my hair and loudly demand my money back...
LJ = Live Journal, a blog (web log) site.
It's mostly really boring, I only read my ex's pages:
I'm studying Artificial Intelligence. This is my assignment:
Woo! I just noticed we got an extra week's extension! Yay!
I make chainmail, and have done for a few years now. I want to set up a website company, like
but to be able to make a profit I need a machine to help me, and the machines I want don't exist, and I can't yet find anyone who will make one for me.
So it's mostly just a hobby at the moment, although I have sold some jewelry pieces before, and some medieval enactment garb. I made an $8000 halberg (shirt), and sold it to my friend for $800. That took a while.
I think I know how you can straighten your lines up in your entry... the problem is that in the text, all the spaces and characters are different sizes. So if they're all the same size you can get them to line up.
I thought if you use the tag then that would make all the text the same size, but I've just read the description of it and now I'm not sure. Try it, and failing that perhaps will do it, instead? Damn. I hope that helps.
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Aug 17, 2004
that would have been really funny. i'm sorry that the shaver broke though... what did you decide to do in the end?
"I made an $8000 halberg (shirt), and sold it to my friend for $800" wow that was really nice of you. you definately sound like a nice guy. i cant say i have any friends that would do that for me. then again i dont have any friends that know how to do that... but i think the point i was trying ot make was that if they could they wouldnt...
i really want a sword. it would be so cool. but i've got to find one, and one that wont cost me a fortune... i dont have that nuch money to throw around. wish i did though... if i had an unlimited supply of money...oh the things i could do *gazes dreamily out the window*
| | | | | |sitting area | | | desk with chair |
| [1] | |bathroom| [2] |
| | bedroom | [2] | |
| | [1] | ~ | |
| | | ~ | |
| | |________| | |
| | | | | |
| | ~ | | |
| ~ | | |
| |bathroom| bedroom | |
| desk with | [1] | [2] | sitting |
| chair [1] | | | area [2] |
it was supposed to look like that. but instead it looks like this...
__________________________________________________________________ | | | | | |sitting area | | | desk with chair | | [1] | |bathroom| [2] | | | bedroom | [2] | | | | [1] | ~ | | | | | ~ | | | | |________| | | | | | | | | | | ~ | | | | ~ | | | | |bathroom| bedroom | | | desk with | [1] | [2] | sitting | | chair [1] | | | area [2] | |___________________________|________|_____________|______________| not at all the same thing... and i still dont really undersatnd how to fix it. i'm absolutely useless at fixing things like that. i seem to need it all explained slowly and in small words. fuuny though because i'm not usually thick....
but thanks for the help
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Aug 17, 2004
ack!!! taht didnt turn out eihter!!!!
grr.... well anyway it was supposed to be the diagram of 2 rooms that are back to back. its like it needs to be re inflated....
Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. Posted Aug 17, 2004
I attacked it with scissors until my flatmate came home, then I made him go buy me a packet of ordinary cheap razors to finish the job.
Pity the guy I sold the halberg to is the friend I'm not talking to any more. It wouldn't be too bad but I wanted to get a photo of it for the website when I manage to get it up and running. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see if he ever apologises... except I don't run into him these days; he still lives in Wellington and has no reason to come up here, and I don't have much reason to go down there any more.
I have swords! Most medieval enactors do. I want to sell my hand-and-a-half sword, and buy a claymore instead, but I can't afford the difference. I have daggers, too. And throwing axes, and a sax.
I wish I had lots of money too.
The only problem with those drawings is that all those letters ('a' or 'b' or ' ' or '_' or '|' or whatever) are the same size as each other while you're typing in the text, but it shows up differently once you post it all; all the letters are a different width.
Did you try using the tag around the picture? Or the one?
Tell me, if you had the classical "genie's three wishes but not more wishes" thing happen, what would you wish for?
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Aug 17, 2004
i'll give all that a go tomorrow. when i'm more awake for figuring out how to do it all.
whats a medieval enactor? and whats a sax? my brother plays the sax... but i expect thats not the kind you mean...
hmmm if i had 3 wishes what would they be? thats a really difficult. i cant wish for more wishes right? ok well here goes... 1.happiness for everyone (especially you and me).i know it sounds stupid but when i think about it if everyone was happy then there'd be no more fighting or war, and everyone would be more amiable. 2. i wish i could not stress out about anything, especailly not what other people think, 3. i wish my firends would stay my friends and not go away. hmmm... i've forgotton to throw money in there.... of coures i suppose my wishes are very dipendant of what i'm thinking about at the moment so i suppose tomorrow it could be a BMW, cash, and guys or something really rediculous. but i dont think i'd ver wish ofr guys... it jsut seemed to go with the money and cars... how about you? what would you wish?
Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. Posted Aug 18, 2004
A medieval enactor is someone who does medieval enactment...runs around with swords or whatever and fights and feasts in a medieval style...
Sax in this case is short for scraemasax; it's an old viking weapon which is the ancestor of the machete.
If I had three wishes... I'd um... think about it for a while.
Okay I'd wish for perfect aim...
...ooh! and I'd wish to be able to change my body in any way that I wanted, just by concentrating... so if I wanted to be immortal I could just concentrate on my cells not mylineating or whatever, and if I wanted to be smarter I'd concentrate on the neurons in my brain getting denser or whatever, and I could grow wings, or change the colour of my skin or hair or eyes or whatever... Yeah that would be cool!
Um. And I'd want all the people around me to have the life they really want! There we go, that's three!
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Aug 18, 2004
nifty. well yo leatn something new each day.
those are a good 3 wishes. its interesting that neiter of us wished for oodles of money. i like the last one... i'm not exactly arround you... but close enough right?
what would you do if you had an unlimited suply of money?
Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. Posted Aug 18, 2004
"...close enough right?" Absolutely!
hmmm... an unlimited supply of money... god I can't even imagine it; I've been poor for so long.
Um, I'd probably buy a house first, so that I'd never have to pay rent again... wait no I'd have one built. And then I can have the bathroom I've always wanted.
Um. I'd buy tools and stuff so that I could make the things I want to make; I'd hate to be bored, even if I was rich and didn't need to work and could just sit in the spa pool all day...
Actually I can't imagine much else I'd do... I'd travel of course, and get another floor built on my parents place (they don't want to move again!)... mainly I think I'd just make stuff and visit places and probably just disappear into the bush whenever I wanted.
Ooh! And I'd buy an aqua blue Bugatti! EB-110S...
How about you?
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Aug 18, 2004
hmmm... me?
well thats difficult. first i'd have a house built for myself. a raelly cool one wiht secret passages and the colors and furnature i want (what kind of a bathroom do you wnat?). then i'd buy my dad the bmw convertable hes always wanted. then i'd give my brother some money. and i'd probab;y but stuff for my friends. and ummm.. oh1 i'd go to disneyland. and then i think i'd get you a plane ticket and a first class hotel room here so you can come and see that concert wiht me. and i'd give a lot of money to that guy i was talking about so that he can have his music studio and stuff, no wait even better. i'd have a really first class studio built and then hire him... that way is doesnt look like charity or whatever and he cant jsut go away because he'll work for me...
i'd want to give money to all of my friends, rl and hootoo. and maybe even my aquaintences... but the problem is people will get upset and think its charity...
and my house woud totally need a hot tubm steam room, sauna, and very large pool wiht waterslide...
i'm not sure i'd give any money to any of my extended family....
Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. Posted Aug 18, 2004
Secret passages... I forgot to mention those! You know Rowan Atkinson has a room hidden behind a library shelf which you get into by pulling on a book? Just like in the movies!
I want many. And I also love the way those cities built on the sides of cliffs have so many narrow stairways going everywhere... I love that escherish style of design... don't know how I could add that to my house, though. I'm sure I'd find a way...
My bathroom would be perfect... large and warm, and all black 'coz I think it would be really relaxing. It would have a see-through roof, so you can lie in the bath with just candles around and watch the stars... black slate flooring, and underfloor heating. The bath would be extra-large ('coz I'm tall) and be cast-iron clawfoot style. It'd be in the middle of the floor, with the taps hanging over the end sticking out of the floor. I'd want it heated underneath, like a firebath, but something that I could control the temperature, like gas heating or something.
The shower and spa would be there too... the shower would be in the middle of a chinese-style pagoda-type structure, inside the bathroom.
The towels would be huge and fluffy. And black. And near the door would be a big fluffy rug, maybe the only white thing in the room.
I'm sure there's more that I've forgotten.
The house itself would be away from any cities somewhere, far enough that I can see the stars, and have bush around the house; You wouldn't be able to tell which pungas and ferns were planted and which were just there...
I'd have a waterfall in the lounge... one part of the wall would be natural(ish) rock, and the water would come down into a pool, and then into a stream which is covered by that perspex stuff so you could walk over it... and it would have a small bridge over it too, even though it isn't needed.
And I'd have a home theatre room, too. And perhaps a chillout room, with just some really comfortable black leather sofas and armchairs, and matt black walls, just to relax.
The plane ticket I'd welcome, although I have family living on Vancouver island, so if you're close enough I wouldn't need the hotel. But meh. I got a lotto ticket for my birthday! I should find out on saturday if I won anything... gee it would be nice to be rich.
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Aug 18, 2004
thats neat about rowan atkinson. i didnt know that. but i want one of those too.
as for the house. maybe i'll jsut come and live wiht you... it all sounds perfect. that or have a replica built...
i think the bathroom shoule lead into a large bedroom all black but maybe the very large and squishy bed should have a red douvet... and there should be a big real fireplace and the carpet should be thick.
somewhere in the house should be those floors that retract. so that you can go swimming. did you ever see the party? floors like that. describe more of the house for me.
and i do live near there...
Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. Posted Aug 18, 2004
I hadn't really thought too much more about it, apart from some specific details... I don't really like 'industrial' style homes with cubes for tables and all white or polished metal... or that metal framing which has holes all through it... I don't like plastic or formica so much...
So I guess pretty much the whole house would be like natural timber, and thick rugs and carpet, and leather sofas, and rock features on timber walls... I like the sound of a big fireplace, and a large squishy bed with a red duvet... as long as it's a maroon duvet, that's the best shade of red...
I haven't seen the party, unless it was that weird Peter Sellers movie I saw part of... didn't see the retracting floor but I know what you mean... a heated lap pool would be perfect... and the pool room would be surrounded on three sides by native trees, through glass... maybe one of the sides would be one of those outside gardens, trapped indoors, you know? So you can look down into the garden from the roof but to be able to get to it you have to go through the house... um. I'm not explaining it very well but like an indoor courtyard. With a large garden. Natural; I prefer gardens which look like they're part of the natural scenery instead of just planted. And while you're in the pool room you get this kind of filtered natural light showing through... like you're swimming in a clearing in the bush...
I want a four-poster bed... With a maroon velvet canopy, and a black mosquito net... fairy lights around the inside edge of the canopy so you can see them through the netting... and maybe a soft light above the netting too, dull red or something so it's not too harsh when you've just woken up. Big pillows. Satin sheets. And a cuddly duvet.
Um. The library would have to be large, maybe a room by itself like people used to have. Heehee! Maybe one of those rolling ladders. And definitely comfortable armchairs... all of them would be. Those soft squishy black leather ones you sit in and then you're too comfortable to stand up again.
I guess there should be a workshop, too, if I'm going to be making cool stuff... I haven't thought about it before but I guess it would have to be big, with a high ceiling... almost like a small warehouse. I'd need some kind of music while I work, so perhaps one wall would have speakers on each side, and a video projector aimed at the middle surface... um. I'd need a design area, sorta like those architect's tables I guess... don't know what else.
Wow that's a long post too... not bad for a brainstorm!
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Aug 18, 2004
hmm... it all sounds wonderful!!!! very cool! when i said red i meant like a very deep crimson kind of red. the color of blood, not the bright red you get when you first cut yourself but the dark kind you get after it accumulates... not to me gross or anything.... but its a cool color.i totally agree wiht the satin sheets and the black netting. what exactly do you mean by fairly lights. i think i'd want icicle lights... they're the kind you put up at christmas, and are all dangley and pretty... i dont want pine tables, or glass or polished metal. i'd want that really heavy very dark, almost black, wood. but we'd need some sort of computer room... or else we couldnt go on hootoo.... i love the garden idea, and i know waht you mean. i and i like the sound of hte filtered light. and there should be some sort of music room.. and definately kitchen. with all balck appliances. and a sort of black slate heated tile. and i think the kitchn table chuold have some sort of view. so i think the house should be ip high.... and definately lots of steep narrow staircases, and secret ones. and i do want one big spiral staircase... that goes way way up... and as for the librabry... well i'm not even sure you should get me started... its got to be more than one story... did you ever play that indiana jones xbox game? one of those... wiht book shelves all the way to the ceiling. and maybe red velvet curtains, and a big window... maybe floor to ceiling. and definately some blck winged chairs, like sherlock holms had. i and a few different reading nooks buit out of the walls like balconys. and definately at least one secret passage from the library.
i think the house should look like a castle on the outside. a very big old castle. maybe wiht a moat and a drawbridge, so if i dont want to see someone they cant bother me. but it should definately have lots of fireplaces. i seem to be frequently cold so lots of them. and if yo're going to have a work shop then i want an art room, wiht paints and all sorts of neat things, and lots of clay. and i think there should be a big ballroom. wiht a grand piano, and a massive chandileer, oh yes, i'd like lots of those, but wiht real candles. and hte ballroom should have migg mirriors, just to make it look bigger, and also so we'll know if theres any vampires.
and i want many thunderstorms.... wiht lightning....
anything else you can think to add?
where do you think we should put this big house? i'm all for on a cliff on some diserted countryside... overlooking the ocean...
Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. Posted Aug 20, 2004
There isn't much difference between fairly lights and icicle lights; I think fairly lights are just smaller and maybe a little dimmer... I realised I'd said it wrong when I said I don't like much wood... I don't like cheap wood. I used to work for a top-quality cabinetmaker, making polished natural-wood dollshouses. Ever since then I can't stand cheap wood. But perfectly oiled natural timber I like. Usually.
I can't believe I didn't think of a computer room! I've been a computer nerd since I was about two; you'd think I'd have thought of it!
It would have to include my workstation chair I'm building... think of the operator's chairs in the matrix, with everything built in and perfectly shaped around the body.
I figure the music room and the home theatre room would be the same; all my music's on the computer so it's easy to have a visualisation on screen at the same time as the music coming out the speakers... although the music doesn't /only/ have to be in that room... I'm not sure about an entirely black kitchen, although I like the look of individual appliances being black, when they're in the showroom by themselves... but if everything's black it's hard to keep clean, and if a kitchen isn't kept clean it starts to smell bad. I can't stand having a messy kitchen, so maybe black isn't the best. If it comes to that I can't stand a messy bathroom either, but you get a different colour mess in bathrooms and a black bathroom would be easier to keep clean than a black kitchen... Can't think of a better colour for the kitchen though... although I like the kitchens which have that long work bench in the middle, like in industrial restaurants, with the colanders and pots and things hanging from the rack above it... and I agree the kitchen table should definately have a view, and it should definitely be somewhere high up... I used to have a flat on the side of a steep hill, near the top, and although it was a bugger to walk home to the view out the kitchen window was worth it. We could sit down and look across the bay at the airport and watch the planes take off, or windsurfers fall over...
Big thumbs up to lots of narrow staircases, especially secret ones... as long as they go up clockwise... I love the thought of having a house where visitors would turn a corner and say "Wow! Lookit that! I never would have imagined /that/ was there! That's so cool!"
Maybe a set of stairs hidden behind a bookcase too, with only dim light coming into it, like it hasn't been used in a couple of centuries... lighting is important... I love the way lighting affects mood... especially all the ways you can make people relaxed and comfortable... I should try to find someone who can teach me how to be a lighting technician... maybe at a theatre or something...
I definitely agree with black winged chairs, and the reading nooks, and floor to ceiling windows - but maybe with a nice cast iron latticework over it kinda like leadlights...and castles are cool, although once I get started on trying to work out how it should look I'd want to add /everything/ cool about castles, and then it'd probably look all wrong 'coz it'd have too much stuff... and fireplaces are cool too; I love open fires (ha! I'm a Leo, what can I say?!) but I wouldn't want them all to be lit at the same time, not if I'm the one carting the firewood around!... But at least a really big main fireplace, which sits half in one room and half in another... if it was wide enough then there could be a gap in the wall between the rooms and then the fireplace is another secret entrance...
I don't dance much (okay, ever) so I wouldn't have much reason to use a ballroom, but they're still cool... and I love grand pianos... and chandaliers are so much better when they're huge... and they're not really chandaleirs unless they have candles... electric bulbs on chandaliers are just bunches of lights... and speaking of thunderstorms and lightning, I've always wanted one of those DDT switches... like the frankenstein electric switches which go 'CHONK' when you turn them on...
I'm all for this place being beside the ocean, and although I think it would look /really cool/ on top of a cliff, I also want to have kids one day and I'd hate to be paranoid about the cliff... it's the only thing which couldn't be childproofed... but definitely away from any cities or towns, and definitely on the edge of the wilderness in amongst the trees...
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Aug 21, 2004
i'm not quite sure i undersatnd what you're saying about the mess in the kitchen. i cant stand a messy kitchen. but i dont see how having it all black will be bad... besides the fact that i cant think of a better color.. maybe a dark blue or red. maybe even a little bit of lime green. and i definately want an island in teh kitchen (thats what thats called). i'm gald you reminded me of it . but i would be sad if i forgot to put one in.
i totally agree wiht you about the importance of lighting. it makes all the difference in the world. and about the fires. i think we need hired help or something... i certainly dont want to be the one to cart all the wood around...
i think i'd put my bedroom near the back on the left side(if you're looking from the front) wiht an adjoining bathroom, and perhaps with a secert passage to the library.
i think i want a secret room or two. and i think i might want a few passages and rooms that i dont knou about.... so that i can go exploring. and constantly be suprised. that would be fun. would you like to come on a castle exploring adventure wiht me? i think it'd be lots of fun. and find hidden treasures and secret doccuments hidden in the secret rooms. and maybe some hidden cubbords and stuff.
and one of those frankensitne swiches woud be great! i think maybe even an evil labratory for effect. i mean i think there are some rooms we should have even if we wont really use them. and the ballroom is one of them...
i think the castly also should look out on rolling creen hills. and i want fog too. but big thick fog. really really thick! not anything stupid like we get where i live.
and wrought iron on the window of the library sounds lovely. oh! and i almost forgot we definately need a very large dining room. the one with the hugely long table and the chandileer in the middle. even if its not used because the kitchen has such a lovely view. but it really should have one none the less.
hmm... i know what you mean about the cliff. i want to have children one day too... maybe we could put up a wrought iron fence... or maybe the castle could be built onto the cliff so that you've got a gigantic front yard and no back.... if that makes sence...
"I love the thought of having a house where visitors would turn a corner and say "Wow! Lookit that! I never would have imagined /that/ was there! That's so cool!" "
thats a wonderful way of describing it. and i knwo what you mean. it would be fun
Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. Posted Aug 23, 2004
If a room is all black it's usually hard to see any mess; like how white shirts always seem to need washing sooner than black... it's because you can't see the mess on the black shirt. BUT it depends on the type of mess; for example in bathrooms most 'lost substances' tend to be white, like soap flakes or whatever. In a kitchen they tend to be black, which is why I think the bathroom should be black but I'm not convinced about the kitchen.
An Island! Yesss! That's the womble!
Maybe gas fires would be better than having to cart the wood around... they can look and feel just like log fires, these days...
How can you design a house with secret rooms and not know about them? Unless you put in so many that you forgot where they all are...
"Would you like to come on a castle exploring adventure with me?" Of course I would! Where and when? And how would I get there?
"...there are some rooms we should have even if we wont really use them. and the ballroom is one of them..." That's true; I didn't think of that...
Big thick fog is veryvery cool! I like fog, mainly 'coz it makes everything still and silent and peaceful.
"we definately need a very large dining room. the one with the hugely long table and the chandileer in the middle" I must have got confused... I thought it was this dining room which had the fantastic view. Perhaps they both could?
"...a gigantic front yard and no back...." Yeah I know what you mean... but I'm not going to volunteer to wash the outsides of the windows!
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. (Aug 16, 2004)
- 2: Arisztid Lugosi (Aug 16, 2004)
- 3: Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. (Aug 16, 2004)
- 4: Arisztid Lugosi (Aug 17, 2004)
- 5: Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. (Aug 17, 2004)
- 6: Arisztid Lugosi (Aug 17, 2004)
- 7: Arisztid Lugosi (Aug 17, 2004)
- 8: Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. (Aug 17, 2004)
- 9: Arisztid Lugosi (Aug 17, 2004)
- 10: Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. (Aug 18, 2004)
- 11: Arisztid Lugosi (Aug 18, 2004)
- 12: Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. (Aug 18, 2004)
- 13: Arisztid Lugosi (Aug 18, 2004)
- 14: Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. (Aug 18, 2004)
- 15: Arisztid Lugosi (Aug 18, 2004)
- 16: Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. (Aug 18, 2004)
- 17: Arisztid Lugosi (Aug 18, 2004)
- 18: Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. (Aug 20, 2004)
- 19: Arisztid Lugosi (Aug 21, 2004)
- 20: Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again. (Aug 23, 2004)
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