Journal Entries
Posted Dec 29, 2006
Hi folks,
sorry not been around much lately, but I'm still thinking of you all...
Not been myself since Mam passed, days just drift into weeks.. One day I'm up and ok, then I plummet down..
If I've missed anything of importance then please leave me a message here and let me know...
Take care my friends, and may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year....
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Latest reply: Dec 29, 2006
Posted Oct 11, 2006
It has been reported that Justin Hawkins has quit his band The Darkness...
A couple of months ago Justin admitted himself into the Priory Clinic, mainly suffering from exhaustion, also to "dry out".. (We all know he liked a or two..) Recently though, there have been reports that Justin had an intensive cocain habit.. Whatever the reason for his stay in the Priory, Justin went in there admitting his problems and seeking help.. There were talks about starting work on a third album on his recovery..
Now reports say that he has quit the band.. Why???? Justin, why give up on something that you have fought long and hard for, and with a passion, over countless years before you achieved your goal.. You and the lads worked so hard for this, don't give up on it now... You are far stronger than that..
Justin, you faced up to your demons, now face up to your public, stand tall and proud, and carry on where you left off..
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Latest reply: Oct 11, 2006
Posted Aug 29, 2006
Tuesday, 29th August 2006, 5-05am, Mam passed away peacefully in her sleep...
Myself and hubby were with her at the home..
Many thanks to all my friends on hootoo for their kind words of comfort and support on my Hospital thread...
Luv n hugz to all...
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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2006
Posted Jun 18, 2006
Sorry not been around much.. Me Mam was admitted to hospital on Friday night, , finally after a fortnight of faffing about with her G.P. and on-call Dr.s...
She suddenly started to suffer from really bad dizzy spells and loss of co-ordination... Her G.P. gave her medication for vertigo but it had no effect.. She was getting worse not better, couldn't walk unaided or even stand up alone without falling over...
The Dr.s at the hospital think she's suffered a mild stroke.. She's waiting to have a C.A.T. scan, so hopefully we'll know more after that..
I'll try to pop in when I can... I've not forgotten my friends on here...
Luv Paganmoon, aka, Shez/Sheryl... xxxxx
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Latest reply: Jun 18, 2006
Posted May 21, 2006
Jack and Jill, fed up with that hill climbing malarky, decided to commit suicide together...
They climb to the top of a muti storey carpark, climb the 3 foot wall that surrounds the edge of the top storey, and both together, jump...
Jack plummets to his death on the sidewalk below.. Jill however only suffers a sprained ankle.....
HOW !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Latest reply: May 21, 2006
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever
Researcher U516771
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