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Sacha "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" Distel passed away today, aged 71....
Another sad loss...

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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2004


R.I.P. PAT ROACH.... aka Bomber, Auf Wiedersen Pet (spelling)..
Actor and ex wrestler, Pat Roach passed away early hour of Saturday 17th July 2004, after a long battle with the dreaded big C.....
Blessed be Pat.....
Your journey has just begun friend....

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Latest reply: Jul 17, 2004


smiley - ghost Sat in bed late last night, well more early hours of this morning, watching TV.. All of a sudden, out of the blue, one of the strings on my guitar twanged.. There was no-one near it or anything that could have caught it.. I didn't imagine it, my hubby heard it too.. Then the guitar slowly moved, very slightly, twice..
Now normally anything like this doesn't phase me, but for some reason this event left me spooked and reaching for another smiley - stiffdrink..
Half an hour or so later I turned out the light to settle down to sleep.. I stretched out my legs towards the bottom of the bed, or at least I tried to.. It was as if someone was sat on the bottom of the bed preventing me from stretching out.. Try as I might I could not bugde the force..
In the end I switched the light back on and firmly asked the force, or spirit, to leave me alone as I was too tired to be bothered.. Thankfully it went and eventually I managed to settle down to sleep..
As I mentioned, usually spirit activity doesn't phase me but for some reason I can't get this event out of my mind.. Strange.. smiley - ghost

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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2004


T in the park... Brilliant.. Watched it yesterday on BBC3, second half on now...
The Darkness were absolutely fantastic last night... On at the very end but well worth the wait... My head's still spinning...

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Latest reply: Jul 11, 2004

Just a thought..

I've just been thinking, (I know, I don't do it often, and I did have a lie down afterwards, lol..) about all this equal opportunity malarky.. You know, women doing men's jobs and stuff.. Well one thing came to mind, I've never seen, or heard of, a female window cleaner...
Anyone out there in h2g2 land ever seen one????
Just a thought....

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Latest reply: Jun 25, 2004

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