This is a Journal entry by Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Started conversation Jul 15, 2004
Sat in bed late last night, well more early hours of this morning, watching TV.. All of a sudden, out of the blue, one of the strings on my guitar twanged.. There was no-one near it or anything that could have caught it.. I didn't imagine it, my hubby heard it too.. Then the guitar slowly moved, very slightly, twice..
Now normally anything like this doesn't phase me, but for some reason this event left me spooked and reaching for another ..
Half an hour or so later I turned out the light to settle down to sleep.. I stretched out my legs towards the bottom of the bed, or at least I tried to.. It was as if someone was sat on the bottom of the bed preventing me from stretching out.. Try as I might I could not bugde the force..
In the end I switched the light back on and firmly asked the force, or spirit, to leave me alone as I was too tired to be bothered.. Thankfully it went and eventually I managed to settle down to sleep..
As I mentioned, usually spirit activity doesn't phase me but for some reason I can't get this event out of my mind.. Strange..
mysticdreamer Posted Jul 15, 2004
This is fascinating, you weren't scared? I think I might have been.
Do you live in an old house? Do you know its history.
Or do you think it could someone you knew who has passed over, like a guardian angel.
I remember once when I had a very bad row with my hubby, and he stormed out of the house, and I was crying and I heard a voice which I know was my grandmothers soothing me, she passed away 20 years ago.
I do like to think of them looking over you.
I've found quite a few white feathers recently and thats also supposed to be a sign of an angel
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Jul 15, 2004
Good morning Margaret..
I wasn't scared, more just spooked for some reason.. I'm used to having spirits wandering in our home, like I mentioned, they don't usually bother me, I take it all as everyday life.. For some reason though this seemed different..
We live in council property, probably built late 40's.. Hubbys nan and grandad were the first tenents of the property, but I don't feel last nights events had anything to do with them..
I can't place anyone who has passed over who played the guitar, but obviously I wont rule it out.. Also I won't rule out that it could also have been a living spirit..
I know that we all have a guardian angel, or even angels, and yes the white feathers are a sign, and very reassuring..
Bright blessings my friend.. xxxx
Smudger879n Posted Jul 15, 2004
Hi PM A few years ago now, MK2 was having a dream about Mum who had recently died, and woke me up as she was talking to her Mum (in her dream)
I tried to sit up and put the light on to see what was going on, but I couldnt,as some thing, or some body, was sitting on my legs!!!
Mk2 was sitting up in the bed talking to her Mum, who (she said next morning) was sitting on the bottom of the bed.
During thier conversation, her Mum told MK2 that I had made a good job of the tiling in our bathroom, (she had never seen that, as I did it after her last visit??)
When I went through to the toilet, (for a P after being woken up)I could smell her Mums perfume??
Next morning MK2 found a scarf of her Mams, hanging on the back of out toilet door. It was the one we gave her on her last Christmas with us
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Jul 15, 2004
Oh Smudger, what a lovely tale.. (for both yourself and MK2)....
Obviously mum was visiting and taking notice of what was what... And she obviously approved of your good work....
Bright blessings....
Grandpa BIRIYANI Posted Jul 15, 2004
Hi Sheryl...let us know if owt happens tonight in the bedroom,,,...I meant wiv the guitar
...sounds really weird,,av u thought of gettin the house anylised ??
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Jul 16, 2004
Good morning Gary....
No further twangings luv.. I strummed through a couple of tunes last night, just in case the spirit wanted me to keep practising, as I haven't been of late..
I've had spiritualists in before who reassured me that all spirit activity in the house is friendly.. I'm used to spirit visiting in one form or another, and luckily up to date I've had no bad experiences.. It's just that I've never had one touch my guitar before and for some reason I feel this visit was to tell me something, but I'm not sure what..
I'll keep you posted if owt else happens...
Smudger879n Posted Jul 16, 2004
Maybe its a Musical spirit PM
I have a simular story amongst my Snippets, its called "Brief Encounter" you can find it in the My Snippets section at the bottom of my home page.
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Jul 16, 2004
Evening Smudger...
I'll have to take a look when I get a mo...
It could be a musical spirit luv, but don't know who... Maybe it's someone famous...
Smudger879n Posted Jul 17, 2004
Couls be true that PM, Have you done a history check on your house?
You never know?
Might have been a musical person who lived there years ago
I hope you have a butchers at my page, as there are stacks of stories and poems on it
In fact it wasnt until I looked at other peoples pages that I realised I had put too much on it
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Jul 17, 2004
As a digibox user I can't access your snippets luv.... I did try....
As i said in an earlier post, my hubbys grandparents were the first tenents in this property.... non musical...
Still a mystery...
Smudger879n Posted Jul 18, 2004
Ah! come on PM, we got to get you on line with a PC!!
You can pick up a complete PC system on Ebay for around £50!!
It wont be a mega powerful one, but it will get you started
Keep an eye on your local paper as well, there is always some body who has just bought a Lap-Top and are selling off their desk top PC
Well, I cant think of any other reason for your musical ghost
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Jul 18, 2004
Evening Smudger...
It's been quiet on the front except for a whiff of pipe smoke yesterday evening, that would have beem my dad... I've been practising a few tunes on me guitar , think I spooked the spook...
Smudger, if I did get a pc, we haven't got anywhere to put it, our place is absolutely jammed full of crap...
maybe one day eh.....
Smudger879n Posted Jul 19, 2004
Hi PM, Well Ive managed to fit my PC on top of an Ikea unit that we have in the spare room
I was told by MK2 that I could not drill holes or scratch it so I made a seperate top for it, and fitted a sliding part for the key board, using the slides from an old TV unit
Works great! for me
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Jul 20, 2004
smudger, we got a spare room..... and it's full of spare crap...
could probably make room, just,but it would mean me sitting close to the monitor and my eyes wouldn't take it... have the same probs as sal/smurfles... flashing lights n migrians... as it is with the digibox i sit on the bed with me feet up, a good distance from the screen.... can't win eh...
Smudger879n Posted Jul 21, 2004
Got that prob cracked PM
All you need is a "remote keyboard" and mouse, then you can sit as far away as you like
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- 1: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jul 15, 2004)
- 2: mysticdreamer (Jul 15, 2004)
- 3: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jul 15, 2004)
- 4: Smudger879n (Jul 15, 2004)
- 5: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jul 15, 2004)
- 6: Grandpa BIRIYANI (Jul 15, 2004)
- 7: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jul 16, 2004)
- 8: Smudger879n (Jul 16, 2004)
- 9: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jul 16, 2004)
- 10: Smudger879n (Jul 17, 2004)
- 11: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jul 17, 2004)
- 12: Smudger879n (Jul 18, 2004)
- 13: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jul 18, 2004)
- 14: Smudger879n (Jul 19, 2004)
- 15: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jul 20, 2004)
- 16: Smudger879n (Jul 21, 2004)
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