This is the Message Centre for tsarina

Barn owl

Post 1

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Unable to find me pah!!!
Not on permanent nights, just three nights this week.
smiley - blue
Here on days and lates and weekends too.
Not to mention bank holidays. Not working this Christmas for a change though yyyaaayyyy!!!!

Barn owl

Post 2


found you but there's nothing written on your space smiley - tongueout Man of mystery smiley - huh or just shy maybe smiley - winkeye

Barn owl

Post 3

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

There is a whole screed under the title of Liquid Warrior Crusade. A lady from Spain, one from Liverpool and one from Austrailia have found me.smiley - huh
Have you tried Liquid Warrior and not the full blown title?
smiley - alesmiley - ale
It's the only watering hole on the sight.

Barn owl

Post 4

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Try looking under my journal entry

Barn owl

Post 5


smiley - ok will look a bit later on - getting busier on phones now - people waking up I guess smiley - laugh

Barn owl

Post 6

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

smiley - ok
Have a good day
Journey home looks bad with rain and gales.
Good talking with you. Keep in touuch.
smiley - cheers

Barn owl

Post 7


Great to chat to you too smiley - biggrin

Will def keep in touch! Am on nights tonite and 2morro so might bump into you again? Always do the next word game anyway and the 9 letter anagram game and the telegram game! Need something to keep the little grey cells ticking over smiley - rofl

Helen smiley - hug

Barn owl

Post 8

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Yeah I'm on Wed night. Try the anagram myself and the other word games. Telegram game?
Anyway I finish at 08:00 so here for a while yet.
Just popped to canteen for a breakfast. The night fella was so p****d off with the day staff for leaving him no stack out and the fridge door locked, he walked off and so I got it for nothing. Result!!!
smiley - angel of course I would have paid........yes I would. I WOULD!!!

Barn owl

Post 9


smiley - rofl course you would smiley - winkeye

I'm finish at 8am too - cant wait to get home now and fall into bed smiley - sleepy

Telegram game - if you want to check it out then go to my space and click on thread on my page - it's a good game and you have to think about it! There's even a roll of honour for the 'winners' smiley - smiley

I'll be here weds night too smiley - biggrin

Barn owl

Post 10

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Tried the Telegram did something silly just to get enrolled. have you tried Mix The Last Three Letters?

Barn owl

Post 11


no not yet - have enough trouble keeping up with the threads I got now smiley - rofl

Is it good?

Barn owl

Post 12


btw - thought I should tell you - only 2 postings per person smiley - smiley

Barn owl

Post 13

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

At the moment it's been quite good fun. Some one makes up a sentance with a word capitalised. What ever is the last three letters of that word you must use in a word in the next sentance. At the moment we have Sir Rebs and his pal Nudge Nudge against the ladies. Threatening all sorts of things. I have entered the fray and I'm defending the ladies.
e.g. If the word ends in ELY you have to make up a word with those three letters in it. e.g. REALLY The next person would have to make up a word with LLY in it.
smiley - biggrin

Barn owl

Post 14


sounds good fun smiley - biggrin

Might have a go at that tomorrow night!

Bit tired to work on it now smiley - sorry

Barn owl

Post 15

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

50 mins left.

Barn owl

Post 16


and counting smiley - biggrinsmiley - rofl

Barn owl

Post 17


what time do you start? we start at 8pm and work thro til 8am smiley - zzz

Barn owl

Post 18

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

21:00 until 08:00
I willl go home, take the smiley - dog for her walk, then smiley - zzz

Barn owl

Post 19


Not got a dog anymore - had to have her put down last year. Am divorced now and work long hours so didn't want to get another dog just to leave it home alone! Got 5 cats tho smiley - biggrin

I'll be doing much the same - straight home, smiley - tea and fall into bed smiley - yawn

Barn owl

Post 20

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

All this darting back and forth between threads is exhausting. smiley - sleepy
Got a Border Collie. She was my mother's but when my mother died in 2000 I took the dog in.
If I have a smiley - tea before going to bed I won't sleep. smiley - zzz

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