This is the Message Centre for tsarina

Barn owl

Post 61

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Sorry, didn't mean to pry.
Would you think of a holiday there?
Just made a smiley - tea Thank God for the kettle. Not supposed to have it, but I smuggle it in. Saves going up and down to and from the canteen for teas.

Barn owl

Post 62


It's ok you weren't prying smiley - smiley It's all in the past anyway!
Would love to go back for a holiday. Was 20 years ago we left and haven't been back since! Would love to go back and see how things have changed specially in Sun City. There's lots of new things opened up that weren't there when we worked there.

Barn owl

Post 63


going on dinner break at 3.30 - back at 4 smiley - ok

Barn owl

Post 64

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

A friend of mine lives on the Isle of Sheppy in Kent. At the moment he's in Thailand, a place I've always wanted to go.
fancy Aussie too.
I have big dreams and a little bank account.
smiley - rofl

Barn owl

Post 65


You and me both smiley - rofl

Would love to go to Japan but not just for a 2 week tourist holiday! Would like to go for about 3 months and go and visit places that tourists dont normally go smiley - smiley

Never really been interested in Aussie for some reason!

Would also love to go to Russia specially St Petersburg and visit the Winter Palace etc smiley - biggrin

Barn owl

Post 66

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Ah yes, japan and the far east, yes. (sighs)
Not sure about Russia.
Couldn't be bothered with hot dog and hamberger land...USA

Barn owl

Post 67


Went to Florida about 5 years ago and took the kids to disney for a week and then spent a week on the Gulf of Mexico in a place called Clearwater. Am glad we did disney altho I'm not sure I'd want to go again but it was an experience! Clearwater was lovely tho - long golden beaches and fairly quiet by yank standards smiley - laugh
Have to admit that everything is loud and brash and done at breakneck speed.

Barn owl

Post 68

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

A mate called Bob and his wife and kids went to USA. He is a country fan and they went to Nashville and she is an Elvis fan so they went to Where ever his place is. Bob and family said it was ok, but wouldn't go again. Said the food is very bland. Big potions but all very samey.

Barn owl

Post 69


Yes can agree with that! Food is very cheap and
certainly plentiful but all much of a muchness!!! Burgers, hotdogs, pizzas etc...........oh! and not forgetting the obligatory steak of course smiley - rofl

We went to a restaurant in Clearwater called Shepherds. It was a buffet restaurant with a fixed price for the meal but you could eat as much as you wanted and keep going back as many times as you liked. We all had what I would consider a fairly sizeable meal but, looking round the restaurant, it was obvious that ours were tiny compared to what the yanks were piling on their plates smiley - ill It's no wonder they have an obesity problem over there smiley - sadface

Barn owl

Post 70

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

A friend and I go to a Chinese restaurant which advertises all you can eat, we see it as a challenge.smiley - rofl

Barn owl

Post 71


and do you get your moneys worth?? smiley - winkeye

Barn owl

Post 72

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Ensure that we do. Always hungry after Chinese though. About an hour later I get hungry again.

Barn owl

Post 73


Mmmmmmmmmmmm same here - not really a cheap meal when you have to eat again an hour later smiley - rofl

Barn owl

Post 74

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Going to see if I can get a free breakfast again. It often happens. The day and night shifts don't get on to well.
Bloke on Countdown got the conumdrum is one second. Bloody hellsmiley - yikes

Barn owl

Post 75


Hope you get the freebie brekkie smiley - winkeye

Hey! did you notice I won the telegram game yesterday? smiley - biggrin

Barn owl

Post 76

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

No free brekkie.
smiley - erm
What telegram game?
smiley - whistle

Barn owl

Post 77


Awwwwwwwww shame smiley - sadface did u have brekkie anyway??

Dont play the innocent smiley - roflsmiley - tongueout

Barn owl

Post 78

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Yup had the brekkie.
smiley - biggrin
Yes I had meant to say something about you're role of honour, but what with darting between all the threads never got around to it. Just us three seem to be here at the moment.
Tanzen from Aussie, yourself and me.
Anyway Well done.
smiley - cool

Barn owl

Post 79


Not looked to see who's online to be honest. Blackberry cat's still here - I know cos he's sat next to me at work smiley - rofl well he's on break right now but will be back soon!!!

Barn owl

Post 80

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

6:30. One and a half hours and I can go home.
smiley - ponysmiley - ponysmiley - pony
Me riding off into the sunset like all good heroes, well Sunrise actually.
You know, it's like I explained to someone. In the winter you often don't see daylight. You go to work in the dark. You work in the dark night, you travel home in the dark. You sleep while it's daylight, get up in the dark to go to work in the dark. You often don't see daylight for days.

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