I just want to say hello and tell you all how thrilled i am to be here. If here is where one wishes to be. I am looking forward to contributing and forging new friendships so that I can sponge when I come over
and of course you can sponge on your way over. Not to worry though I am currently a distance away and as yet unable to
sponge anywhere at the moment. As to details I am a writer. Most think of me as a comic writer but they would be wrong I am very serious, it's just what I write makes so many people laugh that i am afraid that I'm just no good at it but it is better than the last job
writing obituaries for the local daily newspaper here in Norhtern
California.I was dismissed for having a sense of humor I protested
and told them I had lost my sense of humor some time ago and that it has yet to be found. I guess they objected to the opinion section of the recently departed on topical news they will no longer have to tolerate on a daily basis no more taxes of course they would miss
the sex but the damn viagra was getting so expensive and medical was not going to pay for it.Actually I think they let me go because I was getting to political for their liberal tastes, flashing my
"Terminator for Governor" button was a little too much for them. I guess I shouldn't have changed the party affiliations of several of the recently departed in their undying support for the republican candidate., But I assure you I was paid very well for that. I will deny this of course and I do expect you to keep this in the strictest confidence. Where was I ow yes I am a writer and I wish to thank you all for allowing me to ramble on like this. Signed
or 54
or Neil
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Writers unite or something like that | Nov 1, 2003 |
okay it's time to panic.. | Oct 17, 2003 |
Hi there, do you know rule one? | Oct 17, 2003 |
Hullo | Oct 15, 2003 |
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Here we go again - Dr Anthea’s Christmas news letter | No Posting | Dec 14, 2019 |
Apologies for the absence | No Posting | Mar 27, 2019 |
All in a long days work | No Posting | Jul 15, 2018 |
In the dark of night | No Posting | Feb 14, 2018 |
Done it.... somehow | No Posting | Sep 15, 2017 |
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