Journal Entries
Posted Aug 19, 2001
Well I got my hair cut yesterday, it's shorter now.
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Latest reply: Aug 19, 2001
System of a Down
Posted Aug 17, 2001
The System of a Down album rocks too.
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Latest reply: Aug 17, 2001
Posted Aug 9, 2001
I got up at 1.25; my nephews were due to arrive at 1.30.
So, cursing loudly, I hopped in the shower, which wasn't working properly. So I was in there for about 40 minutes while the kids were banging on my door.
When I got out and locked myself in my bedroom to change they banged on that door too. Then when I finally pronounced myself ready, they charged into my untidy bedroom and, whilst attacking my guitar with any small bits of plastic they could find, asked if they could play on Starship Titanic with me. So I turned my computer on, and lo and behold, it refuses to load the game. The kids get impatient. I reinstall it a couple of times, it still refuses to work. I growl at the computer and the kids scream.
Finally got it working, the kids kept wanting me to type the same things over and over, and I got really fed up, so I said I'd turn my computer off, but Ben kept hitting random keys so my comp crashed instead. I glared at him. He ran downstairs crying and screaming.
I hang around with Jamie reading an old book of mine for while. Ben comes up to bedroom with lollipop. So Jamie gets one. Then we come up to my room and Ben manages to DRIP LOLLIPOP ALL OVER MY CARPET. Jamie asks him if he can have a lick of the lollipop, Ben says no, and slams the door, narrowly missing Jamie's fingers. Jamie frets.
By now I am seriously pyssed off, so go downstairs to find something to eat, only to find Ben running around screaming his nuts off. Jamie starts blowing a whistle. Which is very loud. And high-pitched. Ouch.
Eddie (my sister; their mum) says she's fed up of them misbehaving so she's going to take them home. Jamie starts wailing. Hugs me by running up to me and trying to jump on me. Manages to knee me between the legs. So I scream. Yes, I am a girl. But if you get the right place, with a really bony HURTS.
So I refused to do anything for the next half hour.
And the clincher is... I've got FOUR SPOTS.
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Latest reply: Aug 9, 2001
Harry Potter
Posted Aug 4, 2001
......okay, I was wrong all along. HP rocks. I want to go to Hogwarts and I fancy Ron, and Miles = Malfoy, and James Potter nicked Lily off Snape and that's why Snape still has a grudge.
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Latest reply: Aug 4, 2001
The TV series
Posted Jul 31, 2001
The TV series sucks!
the radio series is the best, the best the best
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Latest reply: Jul 31, 2001
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