This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Stop ignoring me! Stop being a boffin! Talk to me! Help me!

Post 1

Jo (Dead)

Why are you ignoring me and just talking to all the h2g2 froods (I know they're hoopy but we are "friends"/in the same class/see each other daily etc.) Why are you acting so boffiny? If you are such a boffin, why do you never give me any help when you can see that my page is pathetic? Why does nobody ever talk to me? Why am I always labelled as the badguy/gal so that you can go enjoy yourself without me hanging around after you?
Why is there never anyone there when I need them?
HLPGsmiley - sadface


Post 2

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Oh for God's sake, shut up!!! You'll do yourself some damage!

If you really wanted me to help you then why didn't you ask me?! I can't go round monitoring people all day, you know? And I'm not helping anyone if they're gonna be so out-of-control. Calm down, and then I'll help.

And about talking to other people - Am I not allowed to make other friends? If you really wanted to talk to me then you should have come and told me. And the conversations we currently have you just disappear from, so how am i supposed to talk to you?!

I'm sorry if i've ignored you, but i'm only allowed ½ an hour a day on the internet and i've got about twenty forums i have to reply to so it's really hard for me too.

I'm really sorry.


Hey hey hey guys!

Post 3

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Cool it you two, I can't take you lot going hyper when I'm having a relaxed day.
OK, relaxed........... Stay cool. Stay cool..........

Hey hey hey guys!

Post 4

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'm cool, dunno bout her.

Hey hey hey guys!

Post 5

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Shut it Ets I'm concentrating. Sheesh, you can get so annoying! I'm waiting for a call from someone else, OK?

Hey hey hey guys!

Post 6

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

And i'm trying to have an argument here.

Hey hey hey guys!

Post 7

Jo (Dead)

It's you that needs the zarking ice-pack, dammit. I AM PERFECTLY CALM, BELGIUM......

I am calm.

I am definitely.....



Post 8

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

*full of floo*

i believe you *sniff*


smiley - winkeye my eye is watering



Post 9

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Et, why all of a sudden does your prescence bug me?
I mean, you're a fun person, you're hoopy, zany, OK so maybe you're slow, but I hear that's just a normal Gallumbits thing (seems to have bypassed Eccs and Elecs, isn't Electrica trying to get into university?). I know it's in all probability my problem, but can you shed some light on this mystery. It's probably just assosciation with other things.


(Are we all still talking coz I scare easily these days)


Post 10

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'm talkin..

Electrica is not going to university, she's just left it. Okay, so she's advanced, but oh well.

did i mention the new arrival?

"Mum" (Geannelynne) had the first boy borne into the Gallumbits family... we reckon it.s a curse.


Post 11

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Hey? I thought your mother was called Omega!
(Eccs always said that her mother was called Omega. Have I missed something?)


Post 12

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Not really, that's what dad always called her. It's a nickname.


Post 13

Jo (Dead)

Some nickname.....

BTW,Et, did you know that Scopi brainwashed Halohh and removed 12 of her braincells? Scopi wants to know how much damage it did.

PS-She made a new species out of them plus some DNA samples from Mice, Vegan Mountain Gremlins, Vogons, Small furry creatures from the Crab Nebula and Dentrassi. The result is a Pogrom imp, a 2ft tall worker imp. Clever, brilliant cooks and decidedly evil with a furry back.


Post 14

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I love the way you talk. My fingers work faster than my brain (hey, most things do) so I have absolutely no control over what I type unless I .......slo....w........d...own... but that gets too boring and my head breaks down.

Halohh refuses to come out and sits it her room playing cat's cradle with her feet. She denies ever hugging trees, which is very strange of her. Et's gone on hols with Drit and they have all left me in charge, and I never realised how nice people are on h2g2. I've made quite a few acquaintances here.

To any people who don't have a clue what's going on here, let me give you the reassurance that I am amongst you all.

smiley - bigeyesLisa.


Post 15

Jo (Dead)

It's Lisa!!!

Did you know that I tried being Jo for a while earlier in the hols because I was depressed and I thought it was because I couldn't be Me, but it obviously wasn't so I'm back on regular schedule now. I gave Ludmilla and the wolf the boot because they were deeply boring. Do you know any entities looking for a home? Has Zaphara told you about Infinity (Zaphod's ex-girlfriend)? I fancy her as a personality for me. I figure the depression is just Mubwar missing "Ess", "Drissy","Hlo" and "Zphar".


Post 16

Jo (Dead)

What d'you mean paragraphs?
What're paragraphs?
PS: Hooray! It's lunchtime! MUBWAR!


Post 17

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I wish you wouldn't do that.

Et left this head and so did Dritry.. they're over in the corner. Halohh says that Mubwar should "try really dogging those like telephones". I don't know what Scopi did to her, but it's not good. Or is it?!

This conversation is getting surreal.. Maybe i'll just go and shut up.


Post 18

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Whoops, sorry about that. Did you guys get my postcards? Anyhow, I think Infinity would get very angry if you tried to be her.
Trillian would be very angry if you tried to be Infinity.
So would Ford (whoever he turns out to be).
As would Zaphod.
And I would probably attempt to rip your head off, so maybe it's not such a cool idea to be Infinity seeing as I hate her so.

Jo, my mum (This is Zoe speaking)'ll pick you up at your house pretty early on Monday, then your mum/dad pick you up at fiveish at Robert Bamford Skodas, Twigworth. so you can go home and revise French and German like mad (I know I will)!

Why? (YES it's a Steps song!!)

Post 19

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Woah girl you're different somehow. Heya how was Scotland? smiley - winkeye

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