This is the Message Centre for Mrs Zen

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 21

Mrs Zen

You are giving me credit where it's not due. I was swirling around this site:


and that lured me away to

I have such fun when I surf the net. smiley - biggrin

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 22

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"And very cool and exciting it was too. (Followed by a nice Lebanese meal with Foules Mesdames; ho ho"

Foules Mesdames is said to be extremely popular in Egypt. I didn't know it was popular in Lebanon. smiley - sigh The Middle East is particularly inventive in using different types of beans in cooking. [Foules are a type of bean] I have many exotic recipes from that area...

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 23

Mrs Zen

Tuesday 29th November - Participated in the weekly Senior Volunteers' call.

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 24

Mrs Zen

Wednesday 30th November

Tidied up a spreadsheet. They are recalcitrant buggers, spreadsheets.

Amusingly, a filling fell out the other day - not that I've been grinding my teeth at all.


What I did for h2g2 today

Post 25

Mrs Zen

Thursday 1st December - Evening

smiley - ok Attacked the spreadsheet again. It's beginning to behave itself as required.

smiley - tea Cooked tea. Emptied and filled dishwasher.

smiley - ok Emailed Aly with a diagram which might help in some help pages

smiley - tea Tidied kitchen. Emptied and filled dishwasher again.

smiley - ok Finished writing up London meeting notes. smiley - somersault - for some reason that was a job I was really not enjoying

smiley - tea posted on site a lot

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 26

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - tea Had the patience of a saint with lil smiley - winkeye

lil xx

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 27

Mrs Zen

Not even slightly.

You were in like Flynn my dear. Like I said, the spreadsheet was a smiley - burger

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 28

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I will tackle it again tomorrow smiley - smiley

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 29

Mrs Zen

Spent an hour or so in a cooling kitchen helping out the Guide Eds on some stuff and thinking about the Artists' set-up and processes.

This was supposed to be a "night off". smiley - erm

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 30

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - stiffdrink and hands out the pepper spray smiley - smiley

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 31


Nights off are hard to do.

For example, this morning I [removed] with [removed], and actually had to [removed] [removed] because it was so [removed]. Crazy.

Now, must head back downstairs to be supportive for a hubby who has to crawl under our floorboards trying to dig out water.

That makes a lot more sense if you had seen under our floorboards, I do admit.

smiley - fairy

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 32


VIP has discovered that living in Venice isn't all it was cracked up to be...

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 33

Mrs Zen

smiley - tea

[I've drunk smiley - tea for the Guide today].

I've also spent far more time than is sane thinking about structures, [and going to Tescos] thinking about who does what [and doing my laundry], thinking about who needs what [and putting snow-kit in the cars], and getting these thoughts out of my head and into 1s and 0s.

[This means I have *not* worked on some of the help pages, written up my role, finished circulating some meeting minutes, all of which were on my to-do list this weekend.]

[I've also not updated the Edinburgh Skeptics website, started on the Paper Mountain which I need to climb if I am going to submit my tax return, or done anything on the WWI family letters project.]

[Z on the other hand has been just as busy as I have been, if not more so, and has managed to bake the Christmas Cake. I now have to stop him eating it!]


What I did for h2g2 today

Post 34

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

phew and I thought it was over smiley - bubbly

here you go smiley - stiffdrink


What I did for h2g2 today

Post 35

Mrs Zen

Thanks Jack.

*slugs the smiley - stiffdrink into the smiley - tea*

Bottoms up!

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 36

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

tis ok!

smiley - stiffdrink i'm joining you smiley - bubbly

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 37

Mrs Zen

I do wonder if I should be a bit more explicit about what I'm up to.

All the thinking I did on Sunday about structures, who does what and who needs what resulted in the longest email in the world going to Robbie. That man is a hero; he responded very quickly and on we went.

What he asked for, among other things, was my "to do" list. A chunk of this was in Noesis, a chunk in the new help pages document I am working on and a chunk sprinkled among the scattered neurons of my mind. (Can you sprinkle a single chunk? Well, this one was).

And on Sunday I added Robbie and Aly's updates to a set of meeting notes ready to circulate them to the other attendees.

So.... Monday 5th December

I wrote up my to do list. It takes up 98 rows of an Excel spreadsheet, and yes I *am* showing off. smiley - biggrin There are whole sections I hope to off-load to other people, there are sections which are just going to have to wait, and there are sections that in an ideal universe would have been ticked off as done weeks ago. But such is life.

What else? I wrote up a description of what I do and sent it to Aly and Robbie. (Actually, I did that on Sunday, I think.) They already know what I do of course, and I certainly know what I do, but we need to articulate it, and that is surprisingly hard. More details on that coming to an APage near here soon, I guess.

Oh, and another round of revisions of the bloody meeting notes.

So where was I? Monday night... Had a conversation with Aly and Robbie about these wonderous things, agreed a few immediate actions, and agreed when we'd reconvene.

Then I rounded the evening off by updating the Edinburgh Skeptics webiste. Our book club book this month is Hogfather. smiley - wizardsmiley - skullsmiley - flyingpigsmiley - flyingpigsmiley - flyingpigsmiley - flyingpig HO HO HO.

And now.... Tuesday 6th

Weekly Core Team call, with Robbie in attendance. These calls take place in a chat window in Skype and last a couple of hours. On the other hand I was also able to write up this post, so that's good.

"Off" tomorrow night. (Probably tidying the kitchen, listening to podcasts and updating the Edinburgh Skeptics site). Then back to the hootie grindstone on Thursday and out on the razzle on Friday. smiley - disco

Thanks Jack, I could do with that smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - ok


What I did for h2g2 today

Post 38

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

here you go dear smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink a double, lemon??

Oh i know have a read of my hospital thingy too might cheer you up!

smiley - bubbly

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 39

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

and the other thing is Hendricks Gin and cucumber, has to he the hendricks 44.3% and old school gin, made in Scotland................... a christmas gargle if there was ever one

RJRsmiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

What I did for h2g2 today

Post 40

Mrs Zen

I saw your hospital thing and emailed the link to Dr Zen. Silly bint. Clipboards are dangerous!

I'm not overly fond of gin, actually. Literally my mother's ruin. My tipple's dark rum; my favourites are the light brown spiced rums, Bacardi 8.... smiley - drunk Fortunately the wonders of the internet transform very good gin into very good rum. smiley - magic


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